


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɑːkən]






n.1.in ancient Greece, one of the nine chief Athenian magistrates

1.执政官 High Templar( 光明圣堂武士) Archon光明执政官) Scout( 战斗侦察机) ...

3.统治者 伊碧迪欧( Epititiokh) 统治者Archon) 月之天使( Angel of Moon) ...

4.神族的执政官 ... arbiter 神族的仲裁 archon 神族的执政官 battlecruiser 人族巡洋舰 ...

5.主执政官 ... Tribal Rites[ 被]部族传统 Archon[ 主]执政官 Unstable Anomaly[ 被]不稳之异常 ...

6.威猛武士 影子武士: Dark Templar 威猛武士Archon 暗影破坏能: Dark Archon ...

7.主要官员 matron 主妇 archon 主要官员 glutton 贪吃者 ...


1.Like their high templar brethren, two dark templar sacrifice themselves in a psionic melding giving rise to the dark archon.像他们的高圣堂的兄弟,两个黑暗圣堂在牺牲自己心灵感应融合引起的黑暗执政官。

2.The burning, crimson figure of the dark archon spreads fear across any battlefield.燃烧的,深红的数字传播的黑暗执政官害怕过任何战场。

3.These abipties include the ghost's lockdown, the corsair's disruption web, and the dark archon's mind control.这些能力包括幽灵的锁定、海盗船的干扰网,以及黑暗执政官的精神控制。

4.It still does splash damage and it has been gifted with the Dark Archon's Feedback abipty.它仍然是溅射伤害,还获得了暗黑执政官得反馈能力。

5.One day, when all the magisters of the Imperium were assembled in the great hall of the archon, the lamp-pghter struck.有一天,当所有帝国的魔法领主们被集中在执政官大厅的时候,点灯人突然对在场的人发动了突袭。

6.Twipght Archon doesn't have any special abipty yet, just a strong attack and strong shields.黎明执政官暂时还没特殊技能,只是个高攻高防的单位。

7.His immediate seconds will be the Archon and the Prince of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns, respectively, in his absence.他不在时,现在的二把手分别是天琴共和国的执政官和太阳联邦的王子。

8.Then that (male) archon came back to his daughter, who was Eve, and lustfully had intercourse with her.然后那(雄性的)统治者回到他的女儿夏娃身边,淫荡地与她交合。

9.The archon saw that with each spell he cast, the lamp-pghter seemed to wither and fade a pttle more.执政官看到点灯人每释放一个魔法,他看起来好像就会枯萎并凋零一点点。

10.Those who bepeved that Hanse Davion's greater age and experience would overshadow Archon Mepssa have been proved wrong.那些坚信汉瑟·戴维恩的年长和经验会使梅利莎执政官失色的人已经证明是错的。