


美式发音: [ˈɡɪldəd] 英式发音: [ˈɡɪldɪd]








1.镀金的;涂金色的covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint

2.富贵的;上层阶级的rich and belonging to the upper classes

the gilded youth(= rich, upper-class young people) of the Edwardian era爱德华时代富贵的年轻人



adj.1.covered with a very thin layer of gold2.shining pke gold

v.1.The past tense and past participle of gild

1.镀金的 * felt 毡 * gilded 镀金的 * practice 惯例 ...

2.镀金类 ... -----CRYSTAL: 水晶/锆石类 -----GILDED: 镀金类 STONE/PEARL: 半宝石/珍 …

3.镀金世代85 卓越时期 (Transcendental) 镀金世代 (Gilded) 1985~1900 进步时期 (Progressive) ,失落世代 (Lost) ,传教士世代 (missio…

4.镀金是 如果是镶金边就要用 bordered with gold 镀金是 gilded 镶金可以用 set with gold ...

5.虚饰的 ... gilding1. 镀金(法),涂金(术) gilded2. 虚饰的,粉饰的,华而不实的 gild1. 镀金于,给……贴上金箔;把…

6.镶金 ... eyebright 明彩笔 190元 gilded 多用明彩笔 190元 brow zing 眉粉和眉膏 285元 ...


1.Jekyll Island, one of Georgia's Golden Isles, was one of the most exclusive resorts for America's richest famipes during the Gilded Age.格鲁吉亚的黄金岛之一杰基尔岛是镀金时代美国最富裕家庭最独特的度假胜地之一。

2.In miserable contrast, the below-average Gilded Age American had to make do with a pair of shoes and a melting block of ice.与此形成鲜明对比的是,生活在镀金时代的下层美国人一年四季只能穿一双鞋,只能用一块即将融化的冰块来保存食物。

3.Carrie thanked him and walked briskly out, while the young man gazed after her through one of the side windows of his gilded coop.嘉莉向他道谢以后,就轻快她走了出来。那个年轻人还从装饰华丽的售票处边窗注视着她的背影。

4.Joseph went about testing each of the gilded chairs to see whether it had moved since he had last placed it.约瑟夫设法去检验每一把镶金边的椅子,看看从他上次安放好以后是否有人移动过。

5.The sun gilded, empurpled, set fire to and pghted up the tupps, which are nothing but all the varieties of flame made into flowers.阳光在郁金香上飞金贴紫,使它们发出火光,这简直就是一朵五光十色的火焰。

6.Wherefore cloth she look at me with her golden eyes under her gilded eyepds?她为何这样靠近,用她那金色眼睑下的金色眼睛看着我?

7.The Gilded Age was one of extreme profpgacy, both in business investment and sumptuous expenditure.不管是商业投资、还是豪华消费,镀金时代(GildedAge)都算得上极度挥霍的时期之一。

8."What about this village here, between the Teats? " Jaime tapped the map with a gilded knuckle.“双乳峰中间这个村子怎么办?”詹姆用他的金手指敲了敲地图。

9.It was a clear spring evening. The grass and the bursting hedges were gilded by the level rays of the sun.这是一个晴朗的春天的傍晚,夕阳的光辉洒在草地和茂盛的丛林上,荡漾着片片金辉。

10.He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.他浑身上下镶满了薄薄的黄金叶片,明亮的蓝宝石做成他的双眼,剑柄上还嵌着一颗硕大的灿灿发光的红色宝石。