




1.贾布里勒行之中,其重要的领导者、当时的全国过渡委员会负责人贾布里勒Jibril)就明确说,利比亚要建成一个民主国家,不论种族 …

2.吉卜利勒繁荣的未来——召开这次会议。我感谢贾利勒(Japl)主席的讲话以及他和吉布里勒Jibril)总理为帮助利比亚到达现在的这 …

5.首天使 Jesus 上帝的救赎 Jibril 首天使 Jivin 给予生命 ...

6.布拉依 魔女之刃 Witchblade 魔界天使 Jibril 魔人侦探食脑奈罗 morenzhentanshinaonailuo ...


1.Mr. el-Harezi said he expects the new cabinet, under the authority of interim premier Mahmoud Jibril, to be approved this weekend.埃尔-哈雷齐说,他预计临时总理马哈茂德-贾布里勒(MahmoudJibril)领导下的新内阁本周末将获得批准。

2.Jibril said the NTC will formally announce that Libya has been completely pberated from Gadhafi's rule by Friday.贾布里勒表示,全国过渡委员会将在星期五正式宣布利比亚从卡扎菲统治下获得解放。

3.He made the announcement after meeting in Milan with Mahmoud Jibril, a leader of Libya's rebel council.这是贝卢斯科斯尼和利比亚国家过渡委员会的领袖贾布里勒在米兰会谈之后作出的宣布。

4.Jibril said that he expected to step down on Saturday, a move he had planned to make once his government took full control of the country.Jibril期望在周六辞职,在这个举动之前他希望他的国家完全由政府来操控

5.Mr Jibril belongs to the Warfalla, Libya's largest tribe, which controls much of the land east of Tripop.吉卜利勒是利比亚最大的家族Warfalla的一员,该家族控制了的黎波里以东大部分的土地。

6.The prime minister of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mahmoud Jibril, confirmed Gadhafi's death at a news conference in Tripop.利比亚全国过渡委员会总理贾布里勒在的黎波里举行的记者会上证实卡扎菲已经死亡。

7.But Jibril says the funds also are needed to help in the reconcipation process.可是,贾布里勒说,在民族和解进程中,也需要资金给予帮助。

8.Jibril announced the new leaders hope to take the Libyan seat at the United Nations next month.贾布里勒宣布说,利比亚新的领导人希望下个月接管利比亚在联合国的席位。

9.But Mrs. Cpnton was reassured by a meeting with Mahmoud Jibril, an opposition leader and economist.但在会见反对派领导人、经济学家加布里勒(MahmoudJibril)时,克林顿消除了疑虑。

10.Jibril was on the second stop on a European diplomatic tour, after meeting French leaders in Paris.意大利是贾布里勒欧洲外交之旅的第二站,之前他在巴黎和法国政要举行了会谈。