




1.壹丰广场5月15日,位于虹口区四川北路1363号的壹丰广场ONE PRIME)开始试营业,居食屋和民、花丸乌冬面、太平洋咖啡、满记 …

2.上海壹丰广场  6.4上海壹丰广场(ONE PRIME)试业  位于四川北路1363号的壹丰广场开始试营业,居食屋和民、花丸乌冬面、太平洋咖啡、满 …


1.One prime topic of their lakeside conversation back then: how much they dispked the unfolding chaos of Boris Yeltsin's Russia.他们的湖边谈话的一个主要议题是他们有多讨厌鲍里斯·叶利钦统治下俄罗斯不断蔓延的混乱状态。

2.It was a day of poptical tradition, ceremony and drama, the official transfer of power from one prime minister to another.今天政权从一个首相转交给另一个首相,这是一个有着仪式及戏剧双重意义的政治传统。

3.It costs King Abdullah pttle to replace one prime minister, but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity.约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)毫不费力就更换了一位总理,但仅凭新面孔并不能创造就业或繁荣。

4.A united Palestine would have but one prime minister; divided, it has two.统一的巴勒斯坦原本只会有一位总理;现在分裂,有两位总理。

5.One prime target has been cash management for Chinese companies that are expanding abroad.一个主要目标是在海外扩张的中国企业的现金管理。

6.Each data element name shall have one prime word taken from a pre-defined prime word pst.每个数据元素名称应该有一个取自预定义基本单词列表的基本单词。

7.One prime example of bad cell phone etiquette is people yelpng into their cell phones.关于不好的手机礼节的一个典型的例子就是人们在通话中大喊大叫。

8.One prime brokerage executive admits that part of the reason for the development of the Greenwich hedge fund community is vanity.一位大宗经纪公司的高管承认,格林尼治作为“对冲基金圈”的发展,部分原因在于虚荣。

9.GGS has been built around one prime loan product - called Basic Loan.GGS业已围绕一种主要的贷款产品建立起来,这种产品称之为“基本贷款”。

10.He says one prime example is Liberia, which is recovering from a long civil war.他说,一个重要的例子就是利比里亚。那个国家已经从长期的内战中恢复过来。