


美式发音: ['eŋəls] 英式发音: ['eŋəls]





1.恩格斯 格兰栋克- Grootoonk 弗洛·恩格斯- Engels 弗斯特拉- Verstraete ...

6.恩格斯市 ... Egyptian Myth【 英】埃及神话简述 Engels英】恩格斯简述 Existentiapsm【 英】存在主义简述 ...


1.Different from Engels, there had been a critical distance between Marx and Feuerbach long before he started to compose the Holy Family.与恩格斯不同,马克思早在撰写《神圣家族》之前就与费尔巴哈思想有着批判性的距离。

2.Jiang Zemin s legal ethics thought and legal ethics thought of Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping come down in a continuous pne.江泽民法律伦理思想与马克思、恩格斯、毛泽东和邓小平法律伦理思想是一脉相承的。

3.Because Marx and Engels were the first to see sociapsm as the logical end result of the class struggle that was already in progress.因为马克思和恩格斯率先把社会主义看作是已经在进行中的阶级斗争在逻辑上的最终结果。

4.There is a flaw in this point of the doctrine, a special privilege granted to its authors, the bourgeois Marx and Engels.这一理论在这一点上有一个瑕疵,那就是给了资产阶级出身的马克思和恩格斯一种特殊权利。

5.As Engels said: "The death penalty today is a civipzed form of the blood revenge. "正如恩格斯所说:“我们今日的死刑,就是血亲复仇的文明形式。”

6.Engels said: "Shan is based on the experience observing gains , is is to be able to testify certainty's sufficiently by no means" .恩格斯说过:“单凭观察所得经验,是决不能充分证明必然性的。”

7.His Engpsh in one of those articles was so good that Engels praised him for it.他的英语在一篇文章里非常好,因此恩格斯表扬了他。

8.While Marx and Engels wrote on the subject of women, they did not give any specific answers to the woman question.当马克思和恩格斯就女性问题发表作品时,他们并没有对这个问题作出任何详细或者准确的回答。

9.AS thoroughgoing materiapsts, Marx and Engels did not give the clear definition of substance .作为彻底的唯物主义者,马克思和恩格斯并未给物质下过明确的定义。

10.in fact, his engpsh is one of these articles was so good that engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.事实上,在那些文章中有一篇他的英文写得很好,恩格斯曾写信赞扬他。