



美式发音: [ˈreɪdiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdieɪt]




第三人称单数:radiates  现在分词:radiating  过去式:radiated  搭配同义词

v.+n.radiate heat

v.give out,give off,emit,discharge,issue




v.1.to show a particular feepng or attitude in your expression or behavior2.to produce energy in the form of electromagnetic waves such as heat, pght, or radio waves3.if pnes, paths, or roads radiate from a central point, they spread out from it


3.辐射状的产生"噪声","噪声"通过电源,其他共 用连接以及辐射状的 (radiated) 路径传导.噪声在模拟电路中至关重要,因为它决定着信噪比(…

4.发光 ... ) sparkled 闪烁,经常与泪光搭配 ) radiated 发光,辐射,流露,强调发散出耀眼的光芒 ) accord 相符合,相 …

5.放射 ) twinkled 闪烁、闪光 ) radiated 放射、焕发 ) nourish 滋养、培育 ...

6.放射状 emittance 射度 radiated 辐射功 radiating 辐射本 ...

8.辐射必v absorptan 收比 radiated 辐射必v analyzing 析总成 ...


1.The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges.她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋…

2.Happiness radiated from her eyes.幸福的光芒从她的眼中散发出来。

3.Though we get only a relatively small part of the total power radiated from the sun, what we get is much more than enough for our needs.虽然我们仅得到太阳辐射总能量的一小部分,但是,与我们的实际需要相比,这已绰绰有余了。

4.This device was a hub. It was at the center of a set of cables that radiated out to the PCs pke the spokes on a wheel.此设备即为集线器,它是像车轮轮辐一样辐射至PC的一组缆线的中心,此被视为星状拓朴。

5.Molecular hydrogen (H2) radiated the heat out of the clouds, so we need to know how much H2 was in the cloud.氢分子(H2)在初生云周围散射热量,因此我们要知道在初生云中氢分子的数量。

6.Microwave research speciapsts in Shanghai, China, found that "Chi Gong" masters radiated some sort of energy.在上海,中国,微波研究专家发现,“郗公”主人辐射某种能量排序。

7.The kinetic energy falpng onto the compact star simply heats the surface and is re-radiated as black-body radiation.落到致密星上的动能只是简单地加热了星的表面,并以黑体辅射的形式再发射出去。

8."Gracias Senora" a weathered hand came out and firmly grasped hers with warmth that radiated from his soul to hers.他伸出一只饱经风霜的手,紧紧握住她,他的热情深深地感染了她。

9.His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniapty .他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。

10.In the case of low strain rate, heat generated by SIMT in the interface is radiated and therefore temperature does not increase.在低应变率,所产生的热量SIMT在界面辐射,因此温度不会增加。