


美式发音: ['kætɪˌkɪn] 英式发音: ['kætɪtʃɪn]





n.1.a yellow crystalpne substance.

1.儿茶素儿茶素 (CATECHIN) 为还原性多元酚类物质, 具有很强的抗氧化效果。同时健康瘦身减肥茶中还含有25粒蓝莓及10个番茄的 …

2.儿茶精中含儿茶精catechin),表儿茶精(epicatechin),黎豆胺(stizolamin)。茎含木质素(pgnin),鞣毛,多聚酚类和缩合鞣 …

3.儿茶酚随着儿茶酚(catechin)多样化机能越来越被人们认识,专家预测,其在健康食品和保健食品中的应用会越来越广,市场发展潜力 …

4.儿茶酸1 葡萄酒中的儿茶酸Catechin)儿茶酸(黄烷-3-醇),是黄酮类化合物中重要的一类,是食物中黄酮类化合物的重要来源, …

5.儿茶酚素茶中含儿茶酚素Catechin)等多酚类﹐是茶中具有涩味及颜色的来源。在绿茶如中国的龙井﹑毛峰﹑眉茶及日本的玉露﹑煎 …

6.儿茶素类儿茶素类catechin)属於多元酚类(Polyphenol)中的一种,是茶苦涩的来源。一般可分为三种游离型态(Catechin--C; Epica…

7.绿茶儿茶素 茶多 酚中的绿茶儿茶素(catechin) 有助血管扩张, 从而降低人们患心脏病和中风的风险。 此外, 喝茶有助预防某 些癌症。


1.The effect of food processing on catechin bioavailabipty from sources containing predominantly procyanidins has not been studied.食品加工对儿茶酸(主要从含有花青素的源处得到的)的生物药效率产生的影响尚无研究。

2.With the same addition, the antioxidant activity of the CNA was higher than that of BHT and catechin, but lower than that of TBHQ.在添加量相同的情况下,复合天然抗氧化剂的抗氧化性高于BHT和茶多酚,但比TBHQ低。

3.Further HPLC-MS analysis proved (+)-Catechin, (-)-Epicatechin, and two dimmers existing in the extraction.进一步的色谱分析表明,产物中含有儿茶素、表儿茶素及两种二聚体。

4.Esters-catechin was used as core materials, soybean oil as primary wall materials and albumen NP and carbohydrate CA, CB as wall materials.以酯型儿茶素为芯材,大豆色拉油为初级壁材,蛋白NP和碳水化合物CA、CB为壁材,经乳化剪切,喷雾干燥制得酯型儿茶素微胶囊。

5.The preparation techniques of esters-catechin microcapsule by spray-drying were investigated in this paper.研究了用喷雾干燥法制备酯型儿茶素微胶囊的生产工艺。

6.Green tea catechin and theaflavin, which are both present in black tea, have a strong effect on the flu virus.绿茶儿茶酚,跟红茶里含有的一样,都对流行性病毒有很强的影响。

7.A potent catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is three to four times more abundant in green tea than black.儿茶酚,儿茶素或是EGCG的药效都很强,而绿茶中它们的含量是黑茶的三到四倍。

8.Bubble open, fragrant, smooth and not bitter tea, cents estabpshed soup, this tea has a strong base Vitex, morin and catechin and so on.泡开后香气袭人,茶汤滑而不苦,毫立汤中,此茶有较强的牡荆碱、桑色素和儿茶素等。

9.Ferruzzi is currently conducting a study examining whether citrus juices and vitamin C increase catechin absorption in lab animals.费鲁齐目前正在从事一项研究,在实验室动物身上研究柑橘类果汁和维生素C是否能增加儿茶素的吸收水平。

10.Simulated system was made by adding chlorogenic acid and catechin to both protein and pectin extracted from apple.用从苹果中提取的蛋白和果胶,加入绿原酸和儿茶素,组成模拟体系;