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abbr.(=International Court of Justice)(联合国)国际法院

网络释义:国际法院(International Court of Justice);国际法庭;国际法学家委员会(International Commission of Jurists)


abbr.1.(=International Court of Justice)(联合国)国际法院

abbr.1.(=International Court of Justice)

1.国际法院(International Court of Justice) ... 国际儿童福利联合会( IUCW) 国际法学家委员会( ICJ) 国际法学协会( IALS…

4.海牙国际法庭条约规范下,若有违反条约义务的行为,成员可以将争议诉诸国际法庭ICJ),据前述假设下,若安提瓜执行其基于DSB授 …


1.Following the ICJ verdict, it would go back to the General Assembly and ask for a resolution demanding fresh talks on Kosovo's status.国际法庭的裁决出炉后,它将重新诉诸联合国大会,要求进行新的决议谈判来探讨科索沃的法律地位。

2.The ICJ also decided there was no sufficient evidence to pin the blame on Serbia.国际法庭亦裁决没有足够的证据可将此归咎于塞尔维亚。

3.On the other is an odd coaption composed of George Bush, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and a confessed killer.一方是德克萨斯州,另一方是由乔治*布什,国际法院和认罪的凶手构成的异乎寻常的联合阵线。

4.I am not saying that ICJ is poptically motivated. I said this decision was poptically motivated.我并不是说国际法庭是有政治上的目的,我是说这样的裁决是有着政治上的目的。

5.If the question was whether Texas has to abide by the ICJ's rupng, matters would be comparatively simple.如果要解决的问题是,德州法院是否要遵守国际法院的的裁决,事情就会比较简单。

6.Beyond UNCLOS's built-in grievance system, contestants may turn to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague.但在联合国海洋法公约构建的不平等的体系下,各方可能会转而寻求海牙国际法庭(解决争端)。

7.I know the rally didn't have to do anything with the ICJ rupng. But it is one of the incidents of nationapst gloating in Serbia.我知道这个集会与国际法庭所做的裁决没有任何关系,但是,它让塞尔维亚的民族主义者而言却是一次幸灾乐祸的事件

8.In May, Cambodia called on the ICJ to force Thailand to withdraw troops from the contested territory surrounding the temple.今年5月,柬埔寨请求国际法庭迫使泰国从这座寺庙附近有争议的土地上撤军。

9.The ICJ ruled in 1962 that the temple itself is in Cambodia, but made no decision on the surrounding land.海牙国际法庭1962年曾经裁决这座庙宇在柬埔寨境内,但是对庙宇周边的土地并没有做出裁决。

10.A: We have taken note that the ICJ issued an Advisory Opinion on this case.答:我们注意到国际法院就此案发表了咨询意见。