




1.对本 Posion Damage 毒伤害 of the Snake 毒蛇之 of Lesions 损害之 ...

3.也可以独立使用 ... 谓语动词构 成 was +p.p. 名词),也可以独立使用,采用“all/both + of the + “think about” 表示“看待、认为”; ...

4.地点 ... the (地点、物品). of the (地点). The closet is near the table. (壁橱在桌子的旁边) ...

5.业家相关问 ent 有那些希望 of the 业家相关问 journal is 题的跨学科 ...

6.十六铺码头改造 ... 068 钓鱼台珍宝馆文物库 Treasure House 074 十六铺码头改造 of the 080 上海市外滩滨水区 The …

7.受过良好训 fundament 学习方式的 of the 受过良好训 importance 练的劳动力 ...


1.Optionally, at least a portion ofthe sipca is removed from the surface to placing the article in service.任选地,至少部分二氧化硅从表面去除以将制品投入使用。

2.As you were pregnant, so far as your hormonal balance is concerned, an abortion is physiologically just one ofthe ways it may end.由于怀孕,在一定程度上关系到你的荷尔蒙平衡,流产只是生理上的终止方法之一。

3."If anyone could have calmly figured out how to get out ofthe towers from up high, " she said, "it would have been him. "“如果有人能冷静地分析怎么从双塔上那么高的地方逃生,”她说,“那可能就是他。”

4.and the wall of the case on two ends ofthe roller column of each unit is provided with a feeding port and a discharging port.在所述每个单元滚筒列两端的机箱壁上均开设有进料口及出料口。

5.A year later, he came out with the second part ofthe trilogy, "Pinball, 1973. "第二年,三部曲中的第二部《1973年的弹子球》出版。

6.Its18th-century founders had no doubt that they were embarking on a daring experiment inspired bythehighest ideals ofthe Enpghtenment.18世纪的建国者丝毫不怀疑他们在进行一场由启蒙运动的最高理想激发下的大胆尝试。

7.Because ofthe restriction of knowledge and experience, the thoughts of the student are not mature enough, so they are easy to conform.由于知识和阅历的限制,学生的思想还不够成熟,也最易从众。

8.At eleven she rose and went to bed. He stayed downstairs, reading the latest issue ofThe Journal of'Bone and Joint Surgery.十一点钟,她起身上楼休息,他留在楼下,阅读最新一期的《骨科与关节手术期刊》。

9.About half ofthe respondents expect an increase in the value of their real-estate investments over the next two years.约一半的受访者预计,的房地产投资的价值未来两年会升值。

10.Jackson's doctor became the subject ofthe a popce investigation afteradmitingadmitting he gave Jackson a powerful drug to helps him sleep.随后,杰克逊的医生就成了警方调查的目标。他承认曾开给杰克逊一些强效药来帮助其入睡。