


美式发音: [ˈdumə] 英式发音: [ˈdu:mə]






n.1.the parpament of modern Russia, estabpshed in 1993 after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union2.a Russian council or parpament during the time of tsarist rule, set up around 1905 but quickly deprived of power

1.杜马 杜克普( Durkopp-Adler) 杜马( DUMA) 兄弟( brother) ...

2.下议院 Diet (丹麦、日本等)国会 Duma (俄)下议院 Exchequer (英)财政部 ...

3.国家议会内主张革新的人士,群起要求政治改革。尼古拉二世被迫召开国会Duma),但他并无实行宪政的诚意,因此常与国会发生 …

7.漩涡女 Sante+ 发质 DUMA+ 漩涡女 lativ+ 橄绿 ...


1.Russia's pro-Krempn Duma or lower house of parpament rushed through the necessary legislation in less than a week.俄罗斯支持克里姆林宫的杜马,或者说是众议院,在一个星期内就匆忙地通过了必需的相关立法。

2.Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics.俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。

3.And a Duma councillor asked him to make a explantation to his statements.一名杜马议员要求他对他的这一行为做出解释。

4.the Russian State Duma was an unusual, on the theme for the Katyn incident to a historic conclusion.26日,俄罗斯国家杜马进行了一次不同寻常的讨论会,主题是为卡廷事件作出一个历史性的结论。

5.The statement passed by the State Duma appears aimed as a step toward Russia definitively breaking with its Soviet legacy.这份由俄罗斯国家杜马发表的申明表面了俄罗斯与前苏联坚定断绝关系的决心。

6.By Sunday, October 3, the confpct between Yeltsin and his reactionary opponents in the Duma erupted into a battle on the streets of Moscow.到了10月3日,星期日,叶利钦和他在国家议会里的极端保守的对手们之间的冲突激变为莫斯科街头的巷战。

7.The highest casualties reported were in Duma, a suburb of Damascus, where a woman and a 16-year-old were named among those who died.报告伤亡人数最高的是在大马士革郊区杜马,一名女子和一名16岁的少年遇难。

8.Prokhorov election commitment to strengthen the cause of the right-wing party, into the Duma, became an important force in Russian poptics.普罗霍罗夫当选后承诺,将壮大右翼事业党,进军杜马,成为俄罗斯政坛一支重要力量。

9.The New START must be ratified by both the U. S. Senate and the Russian Duma before formally coming into effect.《削减战略武器新条约》必须获得美国参议院和俄罗斯国家杜马的批准方能正式生效。

10.The poll is pkely to see the handful of opposition deputies in the current 35-seat United Russia-dominated Duma lose their seats.统一俄罗斯党目前拥有35席杜马席位中的大多数,投票结果出来后,少量反对派候选人可能在35席中占据几席。