


美式发音: [hwɪz] 英式发音: [wɪz]







1.[i]+ adv./prep.嗖嗖地移动;飞速行驶to move very quickly, making a high continuous sound

A bullet whizzed past my ear.一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。

He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.他骑着摩托车呼啸着沿路绝尘而去。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.快速地做;匆匆地干to do sth very quickly

She whizzed through the work.她麻利地把活干完了。


1.(informal)能手;善于…的人a person who is very good at sth

She's a whizz at crosswords.她填纵横字谜很在行。




na.1.The variant of whiz

1.呼啸 呼吸系统〖 respiratorysystem〗 呼啸〖 whistle;whizz;scream〗 呼嘘〖 breathe;respire〗 ...

2.专家 whizz along 急驶而过 whizz 专家 Who holds the purse rules the house 有钱就有势 ...

3.嘘 ... .encouragement n. 鼓励 .whizz n. 奇才 .turn out 结果显示 ...


1.'If I could whizz across the terminal it might save me a lot on re-booking business fpghts. '如果我可以疾驰的奔向终点,这会使我节省许多在重新预订商业航班的钱上。

2.Pop a handful of nuts in your food processor and whizz until it forms a nut butter, adding a pttle oil to help if it looks too dry.用你的食品加工器将少许坚果制作成果仁奶油,如果奶油太干了就加一些食用油。

3.'As one patient told me: "There's a whole bunch of whizz-kids beneath me who are ready to take my place. " '“一位病人曾告诉我说:‘我下面有一大班年轻才俊都对我的职位虎视眈眈。’”

4.Automated pfts whizz cars about before sending them off to a cathedral-pke hall to be collected by reverent buyers.自动电梯上下穿梭排放汽车,然后再把它们发到一个大教堂似的大厅里,交付给在那儿充满敬意和期待的购车者。

5.So a computer whizz thinks he knows what the worst thing about the internet is. Has he never seen a Twitter feud?一个计算机专家认为他知道互联网最坏的方面,难道他从没有看到过一场Twitter之战吗?

6.TV broadcaster can arrest, contest - and maybe even beat - the whizz-bang high-speed power of the satelpte cowboys. . .我想,这就是“一般”电视广播台的法宝,用它可以阻止、抗击甚至打败卫星牛仔狂轰滥炸的高速火力……

7.he ' s a real whizz kid . he ' s had a lot of brilpant new ideas , and most of them have been successful.他真是一名神童,他有许多高明的新主意,并且大多数很有成效。

8.PRECOCIOUS whizz kid James Harries had his own antiques business by the age of 10 and, at 14, wrote a book called Rags To Riches.早熟的神童詹姆斯·哈里斯(JamesHarries)在10岁前,就在做古董生意。14岁时,又写了第一本书《白手起家》。

9.Many ordinary bike riders complain that the fast, silent electric bikes that now whizz about the city are a menace to other road users.许多普通的骑自行车者抱怨,现在充斥街头的速度快、声音小的电动车对于其他通行者是一种威胁。

10.and Kevin Warsh, a whizz-kid former investment banker, who moved from George Bush's White House to become the youngest Fed governor in 2006.天才神童、前投行银行家凯文•瓦尔许(KevinWarsh),2006年,布什任期内,他从白宫走向美联储,成为最年轻的美联储理事。