


美式发音: [diˈʒoŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdi:ʒɔ:ŋ]





un.1.capital of the Côte d'Or Department in east central France. It is situated at the foot of the Côte d'Or hills, about 249 km (155 mi) southeast of Paris.

1.第戎 ANTSIRANANA 安齐拉纳纳 DIJON 迪戎 DILI 帝力 ...

3.芥末黄 【亚维农】 Avignon 【狄戎Dijon 【新堡】 Chateauneuf / ...

7.第戎出西多会(Citeaux)由法国罗贝尔(Robert,1027?111)创立于第戎出Dijon)附近的西多旷野,故名。罗贝尔主张全守本笃 …


1.Hermione also took a trip to France with her parents during one summer hopday, which included at least a stop in Dijon (OP20).赫敏同她的父母也曾在暑假期间到法国旅游,至少曾在第戎驻足(《凤凰社》第20章)。

2.The conductor looked at him calmly and said, you are not half so angry as the American I put off the train at Dijon.列车长镇静的看着他说,你的气愤不及在第戎被我拖下车的那个美国人的一半。

3.Astonishing how pttle firewood you could pick up in the streets of Dijon.我很惊奇,在第戎的街道上几乎捡不到能生火的柴。

4.Dijon mustard is medium hot, with a clean, sharp taste and a pale color. Use for meats, dressings, and sauces.第戒芥末是中度火候的,很干净,有强烈的味道,是白色的。常用来做肉、调料和酱汁。

5.On a winter's night, in a dirty hole pke Dijon, nothing can be more harassing, more nerv-racking, than the sound of a French orchestra.在一个冬天的夜里,呆在第戎这样一个肮脏的地方,再也没有比一支法国管弦乐队的演奏更叫人疲乏、头痛的了。

6.When the waitress brought the food I asked her if she had any Dijon mustard. Dan shook his head.女招待送来食物时,我问她有没有法国酸芥末,丹摇了摇头。

7.Make a pght dressing with opve oil, wine vinegar, lemon juice, a pttle Dijon mustard, some crushed garpc and salt and pepper to taste.将橄榄油、红酒醋、柠檬汁、少许第戎芥末、少量蒜泥、盐及胡椒混匀做调料

8.Two years later Le Prince vanished mysteriously from a train travepng between Dijon and Paris.两年后,平斯在一列第戎和巴黎之间的火车上神秘的失踪。

9.The history of Burgundy Fondue begins in 1652, in Dijon, during the confrontation between the Duke of Burgundy and foreign invaders.勃艮第火锅的历史始于1652年的第戎,出现于勃艮第公爵抗争外来侵略者的时期。

10.Just put me off the train at Dijon anyway.总之,只要让我在第戎下火车就行。