


美式发音: 英式发音: ['i:stbɔ:n]





un.1.seaside resort and conference center in East Sussex, southeastern England.

1.伊斯特本 什鲁斯伯里/ Shrewsbury 伊斯特本城/ Eastbourne 伊普斯威奇/ Ipswich ...

6.伊斯特伯恩【9月25日消息】来自英国伊斯特伯恩Eastbourne)一所中学的15岁少女梅根自9月21日以来就未到校上课,也未回家,失踪 …

7.东伯恩东伯恩(Eastbourne)多佛(Dover Athletic) 法利特伍德(Fleetwood Town) 法罗保夫(Farnborough) 富勒姆(Fulham) 格茨海德(Gate…


1.Postmortems were to be carried out on all three bodies at Eastbourne district general hospital.所有这三具尸体的解剖将在伊斯特本地区总医院进行。

2.Ana is a crowd favourite wherever she goes and I'm sure she'll depght the fans in Eastbourne this summer.安娜走到哪儿都是观众最喜爱的那个,我相信今年夏天她也将很高兴地看到伊斯坦布尔的球迷。

3.Brighton and Eastbourne, its more genteel neighbours, have reinvented themselves, but Hastings stagnated.附庸风雅的邻镇布莱顿和伊斯特本已经开始自我调整,而黑斯廷斯却停滞不前了。

4.Other players tell me that they always enjoy playing at Eastbourne.其他的选手告诉我他们都很喜欢在伊斯坦布尔比赛。

5.Market research for customised programmes by Objective Research, Eastbourne, UK.定制课程的市场调研由英国伊斯特本(Eastbourne)的ObjectiveResearch公司完成。

6.His other recent museum work includes the extension to Dulwich Picture Gallery and the Towner in Eastbourne, each rightly admired.他最近设计的博物馆有多维茨画廊的扩建部分以及伊斯特布恩塔,均获得了好评。

7.But if that's too much of a commute, try Eastbourne.如果你嫌那里上下班人流过大,可以试试去伊斯特本。

8.Leonard was yesterday saying goodbye to family and friends in Eastbourne.伦纳德昨日在伊斯特本告别亲友,周日他将飞往哥本哈根。

9.Move to Japan (or Eastbourne) Residents of Japan pve longer than anyone anywhere else in the world.移居到日本(或伊斯特本)。日本居民的寿命比世界上任何其他地方的人都要长。

10.This time last year he was not involved in the Charlton squad and was about to join Eastbourne on loan.去年的此时,他还没有进入查尔顿一线队,即将被租借到伊斯特本踢球。