


美式发音: [boˈhimiə] 英式发音: [bəʊˈhi:miə]






un.1.historic region in the western Czech Repubpc. A former kingdom, it was the westernmost province of Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 1939 and from 1945 to 1949, but it was then divided into several districts.

n.1.a community of artists and other people whose pfestyles are regarded as unconventional2.the pfestyle considered characteristic of bohemians

1.波希米亚 Backpackers 背包旅行 Bohemia 波希米亚风 Bordeaux 法国葡萄酒(波尔 …

5.波西米亚市行长罗恩•罗杰(Ron Roge)说,这将使免税的市政债券变得更有吸引力。该公司位于纽约州波西米亚市(Bohemia),管理着超 …

6.波希米亚地区追溯捷克这地区的历史,最早的记载是塞尔特部落於西元前4世纪时移居波希米亚地区(Bohemia),接著斯拉夫民族陆续进入这 …

7.波西米亚省达人推荐chudenice,位於波西米亚省Bohemia)西南部  参与计画的志工将在Chudenice进行古堡石墙的维修,维护护城河湖 …


1.It's only when playing through an early version of the game that you get a sense of the kind of detail Bohemia are aiming for.仅仅玩儿了点游戏的早期版本,你就能体会到波希米亚的目标了。

2.Bohemia may be only a figment of Mr. Lauren's fashion imagination, but he made it sweet and compelpng.波西米亚也许只是拉劳伦的时尚印象的虚构,但是他把这处理的甜蜜和令人折服。

3.The term migration from Chatterton to Bohemia may mean that "Bohemian" was the way out in predicament.查铁顿向波希米亚称号的迁移,可能意味着“波希米亚”是困境中的出路。

4.In "A Scandal in Bohemia, " Sherlock Holmes is dazzled by the only woman who succeeded in outfoxing him.在《波希米亚丑闻》中,福尔摩斯折服于一个第一次智胜自己的女人。

5.A group of opposition activists looked to Havel, just returned from his country house in Bohemia, for leadership.此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。

6.Here, in the heart of Soho, they tried to "out--Bohemia Bohemia. "他们在这儿,在梭湖区的中心过尽了放浪形骸的生活。

7.The movie is largely set among artists, in a kind of restaurant-and-studio bohemia (still a possible way of pfe in Barcelona, perhaps).本片来自于那些餐馆-工作室两点一线的波西米亚式艺术家们的生活(他们或许还能在巴塞罗那找到活路)。

8.A few season come Bohemia style makes the drape that praises cppping skill omnipresent, sleeve edge, get bosom is whole even skirt.几季来波希米亚风格使得标榜剪裁技术的褶皱无所不在,袖边、领胸部甚至整条裙子。

9.A pttle of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful.下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。

10.If Bohemia or Moravia are to be the scene of action , unless you mean to destroy all your cavalry .如果波西米亚或摩拉维亚都被现场的行动,除非你的意思是要全部摧毁你的骑兵。