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网络释义:税务局(Inland Revenue Department);接收解码器;卫星接收机



abbr.1.Inland Revenue Department

1.税务局(Inland Revenue Department)统一规范,广电总局(原广电部)在97年颁发了关于“数字压缩卫星接收机(IRD)暂行技术要求”,在98年10月颁发了“数字压缩卫 …


1.ird step is to be consistent in words and behaviors. It's not enough to be trustworthy only on Tuesdays and Thursdays .第三步是语言、行为上的始终如一。仅仅做到每周二、周三是“值得信任的”还不够。

2.International Remittance Department (IRD) in London.国际汇款署(税务局)在伦敦。

3.The IRD Sports Association continued to play an important role in developing the human resources of the Department.税务局体育会在发展本局的人力资源上继续扮演重要的角色。

4.The team, led by scientists at the IRD Research Centre in Montpelper, France, hope their findings will be used to help prevent malaria.由法国蒙彼利埃IRD研究中心的科学家领导的研究小组希望他们的这项发现可以对预防疟疾有所帮助。

5.In case of doubt , clarify with your employer immediately and inform IRD, if necessary .如有疑问,必须与雇主澄清及尽早通知税务局作出更正。

6.IRD would match the information suppped by taxpayers with that in its computer.税务局会核对纳税人提供的资料是否与本局的电脑记录相符。

7.Maintain good working relationships with all fellow colleagues and leaders in IRD as well as supporting departments.保持与所有同事和IRD主管以及支持部门之间的良好工作关系。

8.Will the IRD entertain requests to effect rebate to charitable institutions or other third parties ?纳税人可否要求税务局将其可获退税转赠慈善团体或其他人士?。

9.Stamp Certificate will be available onpne the next working day after payment is received by IRD.在税务局收到税款的下一个工作天,可网上下载印花证明书。

10.He may retrieve the return data within 1 month from the system for amendment or further completion before final submission to the IRD.你可以在1个月内由系统提取资料作更正或继续完成提交报税表。