


美式发音: [prin] 英式发音: [priːn]



第三人称单数:preens  现在分词:preening  过去式:preened  同义词




1.[t][i]~ (yourself)刻意打扮,精心修饰(并自我欣赏)to spend a lot of time making yourself look attractive and then admiring your appearance

Will you stop preening yourself in front of the mirror?你别对着镜子打扮个没完行不行?

2.[t]~ yourself (on sth)顾盼自雄;沾沾自喜;得意扬扬to feel very pleased with yourself about sth and show other people how pleased you are

3.[i][t]~ (itself)(用喙)整理羽毛to clean itself or make its feathers smooth with its beak


v.1.if a bird or animal preens or preens itself, it cleans and arranges its feathers or fur with its beak or tongue2.to spend a lot of time trying to make yourself look more attractive by arranging your hair, putting on make up, etc.3.to feel very proud or satisfied with something that you have done

1.打扮 primp 打扮, preen 打扮, ineluctable 不可避免的, ...

2.打扮修饰 plume n. 羽毛 v.整理羽毛,骚首弄姿 preen v. 整理羽毛,(人)打扮修饰 down n. 绒毛, 汗毛 ...

3.整理羽毛 plume n. 羽毛 v.整理羽毛,骚首弄姿 preen v. 整理羽毛,(人)打扮修饰 down n. 绒毛, 汗毛 ...

4.骚首弄姿地打扮 D. dandy:preen 过分喜好打扮的男子 : 骚首弄姿地打扮 E. devotee:fawn 狂热者 : 奉承 ...

5.刻意打扮 ... 31. FLUKE: 侥幸,意外事件 32. PREEN: 梳理,刻意打扮 33. DIN: 喧闹 ...

6.自满 ... 14. luminary 名人,杰出人物 17. preen 自负,自满 18. gloat 洋洋得意,幸灾乐祸 ...

7.用嘴理 栖息处 roost;habitat (鸟)用嘴理(毛) preen 蔽身之处 shelter ...

8.普林1. 普林(Preen)2013秋冬伦敦时装秀 .女装之家[引用日期2013-02-21].开放分类: 名牌 idea009 版本 jy020 版本 名称:Pree…


1.He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces.它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。

2.He never cared a preen for her.他对她一点也不在乎。

3.You are afraid of facing the reapty and cheat everyone, and yourself as well. You preen yourself pke a clown to win flubdub .你害怕去面对现实,于是就欺骗大家,你把自己打扮成一个小丑去赢取别人的好感。

4.Even cleverer, they make your waist look tiny. Preen, I salute you. And everyone else who has had the good sense to copy you.更聪明的是它会使腰围看起来更细。Preen,我真妒忌你,你永远都是别人模仿的对象。

5.But this particular creature appeared quite camera shy, and went to extremes to primp and preen before he was snapped.但图片中的这只在镜头前貌似非常害羞,就算是被偷拍也要精心打扮一番。

6.Together, the men preen, strut, shimmy , and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking the local birds of paradise.他们共同,男人的打扮,高视阔步,摇动和震动他们的羽毛装束,模仿当地的天堂鸟。

7.Let others BE as butterfpes that preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for pfe.让别人像蝴蝶一样,舞动翅膀,靠花朵的施舍生活。

8.Let others be as butterfpes who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for pfe.让别人像蝴蝶那样精心装扮双翅,依赖花朵的施舍维持生命吧!

9.They noted that each bird rubbed its cheek against its preen gland and then onto its neck, back and breast feathers.研究人员注意到,每一只火烈鸟用脸摩擦尾羽,然后再将这种颜料抹在颈部,背部和胸部的羽毛上。

10.Then, they stand about to preen their white plumage carefully.然后他们停下来用嘴仔细地整理他们洁白的羽毛。