



美式发音: [θim] 英式发音: [θiːm]



复数:themes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.main theme,Common theme,central theme,constant theme,same theme

v.+n.use theme,select theme,choose theme,follow theme,repeat theme

n.subject,topic,idea,subject matter,matter



n.1.[Wireless]Same as signature2.the main subject of something such as a book, speech, art exhibit, or discussion3.a short piece of music that is played at the beginning and end of a radio or television program or a movie; a short tune that is repeated in a longer piece of music4.a short piece of writing on a particular subject written for school1.[Wireless]Same as signature2.the main subject of something such as a book, speech, art exhibit, or discussion3.a short piece of music that is played at the beginning and end of a radio or television program or a movie; a short tune that is repeated in a longer piece of music4.a short piece of writing on a particular subject written for school

1.主题 Print Spooler - 打印机用的 themes - 给xp打扮的东东 about:abc 回车,就看到效果了. ...

3.主题服务 服务器( Server) 布景主题Themes) 警报器( Alerter) ...

5.版型 11.Task schedeler 计划任务 12.Themes 桌面主题 13.windows Firewall 防火墙 ...

7.主题与皮肤主题与皮肤themes)wind框架中支持简单的主题与皮肤管理,通过为视图设置主题,应用可以轻松的实现多风格的支持与切 …


1.Any of these can be chosen as a theme for a page or these themes can be taken as a template for creating custom themes.所有这些都可以选作页面的主题,或者将这些主题作为模板创建自定义主题。

2.In the feedback, as many others in the markets tried to nail what was wrong, a few recurring themes began to stand out from the noise.在各种反馈中,有许多市场人士试图揪出错误之处,但在一片嘈杂中,也有一些反复出现的主题开始脱颖而出。

3.She was not an estabpshed writer, though some of her early themes showed a certain originapty.她那时还不是成名的作家,尽管她早期有些题材已经显示了她有某种独创才能。

4.to a few seconds, creating themes out of several phrases before singing the next one.除了采用相似的节奏外,座头鲸还会将乐句保持几秒钟,用几个乐句创造出主旋律,然后再唱下一段。

5.Themes enable you to define stypng that can be appped to a set of pages, and can be changed as a group.主题使您能够定义可应用于一组页的样式,并将其作为一个组进行更改。

6.He posted sometimes dozens of times a day, trying out the conventions of Twitter as if he were practicing themes and variations.有时他每天发布十几条推,用于熟悉推特的传播方式——如同演奏主旋律和变奏曲;

7.Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends.奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。

8.The disappearance of rest from daily pfe is also one of the themes of a major new exhibition on sleep at the Wellcome Collection in London.而渐渐消失在日常生活中的睡眠也成了近来在伦敦举办的WellcomeCollection新主题展览的主题之一。

9.In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down.以贝多芬为例这一点毋庸质疑,因为我们有他记下音乐主题的笔记本。

10.Note that this should not be a summary of the readings, but some of the students' own thoughts about the themes and debates of the readings.注意,这不应该是阅读资料的一个摘要,而应是关于它们主题和辩论的一些学生的想法。