

white lady

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n.1.a cocktail made with gin, Cointreau, and lemon juice

1.白色女士 雪怪[ Wendigo] 白色女士[ White lady] 伊瑟拉[ Ysera] ...

2.白衣女鬼 螺丝锥 GIMLET 白美人 WHITE LADY 伏特加加苏打水 VODKA RICKEY ...

4.白色佳丽 龙舌兰日出 Tequila Sunrise 30 白色佳丽 White Lady 30 青草蜢 Grashopper 30 ...

5.白娘子 Tequila Sunrise 特琪拉日出 White Lady 白夫人 Champagne cocktail 香槟鸡尾酒 ...

7.白女士(注1) 魔兽世界里面有两个月亮,一个叫做白女士White lady),一个叫做蓝孩(Blue boy)亡灵天灾的部队仍然在不遗余 …


1.The White Lady is said to have thrown herself from the building after finding out her love had been killed in battle.而白女王据称在发现自己的挚爱在战斗中牺牲以后就决定在城堡中自封为王。

2.She was a nice looking white lady in her early twenties.而她是看起来好象二十多岁的好看的白人女士。

3.Berry Pomeroy is said to be the most haunted castle in the UK and has its very own White Lady.BerryPomeroy据称是英国最为鬼魅的城堡了,而且它也有自己的幽灵——白女王。

4.Now they do it to a white lady and all hell breaks loose.现在他们对一个白人妇女干这事,好像天都塌下来了。

5.The state flower is the pink and white lady's sppper, and the capital is St. Paul.明尼苏达州的州花是粉色及白色鳯仙花,而其首府为圣保罗(St.Paul)。

6.I think it is the white lady that haunted the house for years.我认为这是白夫人的闹鬼的房子里。

7.That white lady is so depcate. Very depcate那个穿白色衣服的女人很精致,很精致