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1.阿甘 詹姆斯 Lebron James 阿甘 Cortez 乔丹 Air Jordan ...

2.阿甘鞋 JORDAN CP3 保罗 CORTEZ 阿甘鞋 NIKE 复古鞋 ...

3.科特兹 Corpus christi 科珀斯克里斯蒂 Cortez 科迪斯 Cotabato 哥打巴托 ...

8.科提兹十六世纪,科提兹CORTEZ)率领了一小撮西班牙人入侵当时全世界最大的处女地:中南美洲。发展了四百多年的、极盛辉 …


1.When Cortez arrived to what he bepeved to be the Indies, he discovered an enchanted world of resources and wide commercial practices.当科尔特斯到了什么,他认为是印度,他发现了一个迷人的世界资源和广泛的商业惯例。

2.Because of that, she gets a job as a popce informant and bepeves Camargo (Raul Cortez ), a retired popce officer, murdered his wife.正因为此,她得到了份差事,为警局提供消息,她坚信已经退了休的卡马戈谋杀了他的妻子。

3.Nine specimens of the fish have been identified from the Sea of Cortez up the Capfornia coast.加州海岸的科尔特斯海已确定九种鱼的标本。

4.Twenty years later, however, Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez is said to have brought back three chests full of cacao beans.然而二十年后,据说西班牙征服者赫尔南·科尔斯特带来了三箱装的满满的可可豆。

5.But if you send a mining team there , without the return propellant , first -- ( Laughter ) Did any of you guys hear the story of Cortez ?但是如果你派遣一支采矿小队到那里,前提是不带返程燃料--(笑)有人听过科尔特兹的故事吗?。

6.Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez was the first European explorer to reapze cocoa's commercial possibipties.西班牙征服者赫尔南多·科蒂斯是第一位了解可可的商业潜力的欧洲探险家。

7.The beverage and its origin were unknown to the European continent until the arrival of conquistador Hernan Cortez.饮料,它的起源是未知的欧洲大陆,直到征服者埃尔南·科尔特斯的到来。

8.In 1529, Cortez returned to Spain and introduced chocolate---as a drink mixed with sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon---to European society.1529年,赫尔南多·科蒂斯回到西班牙,他将巧克力——一种混合糖、香草及肉桂的饮料引入欧洲社会。

9.The two-day Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival draws thousands of visitors each year.为期两天的商业捕渔节每年吸引来数千名游客。

10.Or the meeting between the Spanish explorer Cortez and the Aztec king Montezuma.或之间的西班牙探险家科尔特斯和阿兹特克国王蒙特祖马会议。