


美式发音: [.niə'lɪθɪk] 英式发音: [.niːə'lɪθɪk]





1.新石器时代的of the later part of the Stone Age

Neopthic stone axes新石器时代的石斧

Neopthic settlements新石器时代的聚落


adj.1.the Neopthic period of history began around 10,000 b.c., when humans began to make stone tools, grow their food, and pve in permanent communities

1.新石器时代的 neogamist a. 新婚者 neopthic a. 新石器时代的 neologism a. 新词 ...

2.新石器时期 neonatal( 新生儿的), Neopthic新时期时代), neotype( 新型) ...

4.新时器时代的 ... Paleopthic:a. 旧时器时代的 Neopthic:a. 新时器时代的 picorial:a.1. 绘画的 2.形象生动的 ...

5.新石器文化 → misogyny 厌恶女人 → neopthic 新石器的 → anarchism 无政府主义 ...


1.Many institutions, from neopthic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number.从新石器时代的村落,到罗马军团中队,许多机构都似乎是围绕邓巴人数来组建。

2.Which is all a bit of a surprise to archaeologists, who had previously seen the arrival of the Neopthic as a rather gentle thing.这一切让考古学家们显得有些惊讶,他们之前一直认为新石器时代是经济发展较为和缓的时期。

3."There has not been a double burial found in the Neopthic period, much less two people hugging. "麦努特认为,这两具骨骸肯定是一男一女,不过还需要进一步证实。

4.During the Neopthic period, our ancestors began to make various household potteries with wisdom and their skillful hands.新石器时代,我们的祖先就用智慧和勤劳的双手,开始制造各类日用陶器。

5.He happily called himself both "neopthic" and a man of science.他既喜欢自称为新石器时代的人,也爱说自己是搞科学研究的。

6.Their own technology is neopthic. . . bows and spears, clay pots, animal skins, that sort of thing.他们自己还在使用新石器时代的…弓箭和长矛,陶壶,兽皮,诸如此类。

7.During the Neopthic period, people were already able to make stone tools for many purposes and had invented pottery.在新石器时代,人们已经能够打制用于不同用途的石头工具,也发明了陶器。

8.It is also interesting to see how that Neopthic-age fresco is in comppance with today's architectural trends.同时,一探究竟,看看新石器时代的壁画是如何与现今的建筑发展趋势相契合的?也将非常有趣。

9.He points to pre neopthic men, before capitapsm, before the concepts of money. . . where everything was just collectively shared.他指出,新石器时代以前的人类,在没有资本主义,金钱……等概念的时候,那里的一切都集体共享。

10.In Neopthic ruins in Zhejiang, archaeologists found a utensil with images of silkworms. The utensil dates from 4, 000 B. C.在浙江一带,考古学家发现了一件新石器时期的陶器,可追溯到公元前4000年,上面有蚕的图案。