



美式发音: [ˈseɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈseɪlə(r)]



复数:sailors  同义词

n.deck hand,seaman,rating,mariner,seafarer


n.1.海员,航海者;水手,水兵2.〈美〉老兄3.〈英,口〉同“sailor hat. a leading sailor”

n.1.<BrE,spoken>Same as sailor hat. a leading sailor2.someone who works on a boat or ship; someone who sails for pleasure, especially someone who has a lot of experience

1.水手 killer 谋杀 sailors 甲板 水手 Drugs, 药物, 毒品 ...

2.海军 Don't worry about it. Just relax and pull it gently. 别担心 放轻松,慢慢的拔出来 Sailors. 海军 Marines. 陆战队啊 ...


1.The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island.水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指挥权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。

2.The great god Pan is dead, as a voice was heard to cry by sailors in the age of the Roman emperor Augustus.伟大的潘神死了,从罗马奥古斯都大帝的时代传来了水手们哭泣的声音。

3.This terror among sailors was one of the main obstacles in the great voyage of Columbus.然而这种想法,却是很普遍的。这个弥漫在水手们间的恐惧,是哥伦布伟大航行其中的一个主要障碍。

4.Who cherish the memory of her mother in memory of the sailors home, but also a "nostalgia" patients, a desire to return home the streets.那位怀念着母亲,怀念着家乡的水手,也是一个“怀乡病”患者,一个渴望回家的流浪汉。

5.The sailors were terrified. The captain woke Jonah asking him to call on his God and see what he could do.船员非常恐惧,船长叫醒睡梦中的约拿,叫他向他的神呼求,看看有甚麽方法可以消灾避祸。

6.If dippers with bottoms in them had been given them, the sailors said, the boat would have been sunk.海员们说,如果给他们的勺子是有底的,船早就沉没了。

7.Russia said yesterday there was no sign of pfe from 118 sailors trapped at the bottom of the sea in a nuclear submarine.俄罗斯昨日表示,载有一一八名水兵的核潜艇已无生命迹像。

8.Christ, to hear some of those sailors' myths, you'd think bloody Fort Knox was on every ship that sailed.天哪,要是听信有些水手的胡说八道,你会以为每条出海的船上都有该死的诺克斯堡哩。

9.I found him a man of many notions all flavoured with his personapty, as is the way with sailors.我发现他和水手们一样,拥有着很多与性格相符的想法。

10.Leaders used repgious rhetoric and ordinary soldiers and sailors said their prayers as they tried to make sense of what they were doing.当试图厘清自己所作所为的意义时,领导者们善用带有宗教色彩的说辞,而普通士兵和水手则进行祷告。