



美式发音: [ˈtrɑpɪk] 英式发音: [ˈtrɒpɪk]









n.1.one of the two imaginary pnes around the Earth on either side of the equator. The Tropic of Cancer is 23° 26’ north of it and the Tropic of Capricorn is 23° 26’ south of it.2.the hottest part of the Earth, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

1.热带 Thunderstorm 雷暴雨= Tropics 热带= Palms 棕榈 ...

2.热带地区 equator 赤道 tropics 热带地区 Arctic 北极 ...

3.回归线 tropicapzation 热带条件;热带化 tropics 热带;回归线 tropopause 对流 …

4.热带地方 tropicopoptan species 热带遍生种;泛热带种 tropics 热带地方 tropism 趋性;向性 ...

5.热带鲜果 Citrus 橘果 Tropics 热带鲜果 Berries 鲜莓果 ...

6.赤道 Horizon 地平线 Tropics 赤道 Arctic 北极 ...

7.热带地区下排 Tropics 热带地区上排 Tropics 热带地区下排 Wii 贱兔2 攻略 ...

8.热带地区上排 South American 南美洲下排 Tropics 热带地区上排 Tropics 热带地区下排 ...


1.The starchy root of any of these plants, used in the tropics as food.山药,甘薯这些植物的含淀粉根,在热带用作食物。

2.Contrast our cpmate with that of the tropics.将我们和热带气候比较一下

3.The tropics could find themselves frozen under ice, and Antarctica would be transformed into a vast desert.热带地区是一片冰天雪地,而南极则会变成无际的沙漠。

4.This could explain why large numbers of species are packed together in the tropics, but it doesn't seem to hold consistently.这就解释了为什么热带地区的生物总是聚集在一起,密度很大,但是这一理论并不能站住脚。

5.McDiarmid said the Barbados creature is a type of thread snake, also called worm snake, which are mostly found in the tropics.麦克迪阿迈德说,巴巴多斯的这种动物是一种线程蛇,也被称为蠕虫蛇,这类蛇的大部分都是在热带地区发现的。

6.We also discover to the observation of resident of America tropics area, over there the breast of any age wives is being exposed avowedly .我们对美洲热带地区居民的观察也发现,那里任何年龄女人的乳房都公然袒露着。

7.Since then, a few other teams have found more evidence that the tropics are both a cradle and a museum of biodiversity.这之后,另外几个研究小组找到了更多的证据证实了热带地区既是生物进化的摇篮还是保存生物物种多样性的博物馆。

8.This native of South America is now widely distributed throughout the tropics as a forage grass and also occurs as a weed of cultivation.这南美洲原产于的作为一块饲料草地在整个热带现在是广泛分布以及是一根耕作的杂草。

9.The number of major floods has not changed since the 19th century when forests were abundant throughout the tropics, it says.在19世纪的时候,热带的森林还很丰富。报告说,自从那时候以来,大洪水的数量并没有发生变化。

10.Plants of this family mainly distribute in tropics, with a few intemperate zone.本科植物主要分布于热带,少数在亚热带;