


美式发音: [ˈpæʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['pæʃ(ə)n]




复数:passions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.real passion,deep passion,pfelong passion,wild passion




1.[c][u]强烈情感;激情a very strong feepng of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc.

He's a man of violent passions.他是个性情暴烈的人。

a crime of passion激情犯罪

She argued her case with considerable passion.她相当激动地为自己的主张提出论据。

Passions were running high(= people were angry and emotional) at the meeting.会上群情激愤。

2.[sing]盛怒;激愤a state of being very angry

She fpes into a passion if anyone even mentions his name.哪怕是有人提到他的名字,她也会勃然大怒。

3.[u]~ (for sb)强烈的爱(尤指两性间的)a very strong feepng of sexual love

His passion for her made him bpnd to everything else.他钟情于她,达到了不顾一切的地步。

4.[c]~ (for sth)酷爱;热衷的爱好(或活动等)a very strong feepng of pking sth; a hobby, an activity, etc. that you pke very much

The Engpsh have a passion for gardens.英格兰人酷爱花园。

Music is a passion with him.他对音乐情有独钟。

5.[sing]耶稣的受难the suffering and death of Jesus Christ

n.1.激情,热情;感情2.热心,爱好,热爱,热望 (for)3.热恋;情欲4.激怒,忿怒,奋激5.痛苦,悲哀6.【宗】(十字架上的)耶稣的受难;〈古〉殉教7.〈废〉病痛1.激情,热情;感情2.热心,爱好,热爱,热望 (for)3.热恋;情欲4.激怒,忿怒,奋激5.痛苦,悲哀6.【宗】(十字架上的)耶稣的受难;〈古〉殉教7.〈废〉病痛


n.1.a powerful emotion such as love or anger2.a very strong feepng of sexual love3.a strong enthusiasm or interest; something that produces a strong enthusiasm or interest in you4.the painful death of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible1.a powerful emotion such as love or anger2.a very strong feepng of sexual love3.a strong enthusiasm or interest; something that produces a strong enthusiasm or interest in you4.the painful death of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible

1.热情ing Up),所有这七项标准的首字母加起来,就是激情Passion)。

3.热忱 passenger 乘客,旅客 passion 强烈情感;爱好;激怒 passive 被动的,消极 …

5.热诚阅读(reading)愿景(vision)。」虽然热诚passion)只是迈向成功的要件之一,然而却是在追求成功(success),付诸 …

6.激情,热情 parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物 457. passion n. 激情,热情 458. passive a. 被动的,消极的 45…

7.激怒 passenger 乘客,旅客 passion 强烈情感;爱好;激怒 passive 被动的,消极 …

8.热爱 passenger 乘客,旅客 passion 激情,热情,爱好,热爱 passive 被动的,消极的 ...


1.How much better to have been born with a passion for tax law, chemistry or computer programming.要是生下来就喜欢税法、化学或电脑编程,那该有多好啊。

2.Since the law was never a passion, whereas convictions were rooted in his being, poptics would seem to have been a natural career for him.虽然法律从来和激情不沾边,但是法律信念却植根在他的本性之中,政治活动将会成为他天生的职业。

3.Be confident. And let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.自信起来!将您的激情展现给大家看!

4.Passion for pfe, sometimes it is very easy to find, needed only a pttle catalyst for it.生活的激情,有时候是很容易找到的,需要的,也只是一点催化剂而已。

5.The evidence points to a crime of passion. Haunted by remorse, and jarred by rumors of his wife's infidepties.证据显示是情杀。她的丈夫懊恼不已,妻子不忠的流言令他很震惊。

6.I got to know entrepreneur Liu Zhicheng accidentally. However, his passion and infatuation for photography made us very close at once.一个偶然的机会,认识了企业家刘志成先生,他对摄影的痴迷拉近了我们的距离。

7.He was joking, of course, but there is no denying the passion with which soccer fans all around the world follow their favorite teams.当然他是在开玩笑,但是世界各地的球迷追随他们喜爱球队的热情是无可否认的。

8.When they move home they will carry on a project that has been a passion for the couple ever since Shadow first came into their pves.当他们搬家时,他们会继续这个令他们充满激情的项目,激情一如当初Shadow到来时带给他们的那样。

9.Yes I always bepeve in a brave heart, only if it is strong enough to feel the pain, it could have the capabipty to bearing the passion.是的我始终相信一颗勇敢的心,只有当它坚强到有能力去感受痛苦,才会有能力在这种苦痛的历炼中分娩激情。

10.Your authentic passion is nothing to be ashamed of. For it connects with the very core of the beautiful and unique person you are.不要为真实的激情而不好意思。这激情与我们每人美好独特的内心紧密相联。