


美式发音: [hɜrts] 英式发音: [hɜː(r)ts]





1.赫,赫兹(声波频率单位)a unit for measuring the frequency of sound waves


na.1.Rudolph, 赫兹

n.1.a unit for measuring the frequency of sound waves and radio waves


3.赫兹租车  ●赫兹租车(Hertz)持续、密切地注意竞争信息(通过智慧型情报搜集科技)来迅速回应不断变化的市场状况;   ●岛端邮购(Lands’…

4.租车公司赫兹租车公司赫兹Hertz),与充电站制造商、工业巨头通用电气(GE),已经与比亚迪达成协议,进军上海、深圳和北京的电动 …

5.赫兹租车公司赫兹租车公司 (HERTZ)无论任何原因,企业营运的中断都会让部份或所有的使用者不容易或无法存取到他们的桌上型电脑。

6.赫茨1900年德国人赫茨Hertz)在实验上发现了电磁波。意大利人马克尼(Maconi)发明无线电报,美国人贝尔(Bell)发明有线 …

7.赫芝最大的四家汽车租赁公司是赫芝(Hertz)、阿维斯(Avis)、巴杰特(Budget)和色雷弗蒂   (Thrifty)。


1.Our electromagnetic systems pulse directly in accord with that of the earth, each at a frequency of about 8 hertz.我们自身的电磁系统与地球的电磁系统相适应,其频率约为8Hz。

2.Cross Well Seismic signal frequency is usually several times of the surface seismic or more, can reach hundreds of Hertz.井间地震信号的主频通常是地面地震的数倍甚至更高,可以达到几百赫兹。

3.Over and over again, they were asked to tell the difference between the 1, 000 Hertz tone and a lower tone but showed no improvement.经过很多次培训后,在被要求区分1000赫兹标准音与某较低音之间的差别时他们毫无进步。

4.Bandwidth: The difference (in hertz ) between the upper and lower pmits of wave frequencies transmitted over a communications channel .波段阔度:在一个通信通道中,最高和最低波频率(单位是赫兹)的差别。

5.The number of vibrations an object makes while it's making a sound is called its frequency , which is measured in hertz .物体发声时振动的次数叫做频率,计量单位是赫兹。

6.This consisted of a small transmitter emitting 10- hertz waves which makes the subject susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.这由一台发射10赫兹电波的小型发射器组成,它能使实验对象容易受到催眠建议的影响。

7.The wave polarization and impedance characteristics in the near field of combinations of an electric and a magnetic Hertz dipoles .赫芝电偶极与同向赫芝磁偶极混合源近场之极向与波阻抗特性。

8.Five common units used in working with electricity and electric circuits are the volt, ampere, watt, ohm, and hertz.在电气与电路的工作中的五个通用的单位是伏特,安培,瓦特,欧姆,和赫兹。

9.If I flash it, if I strobe it - twice per second-- - we call that two hertz-- so my strobe is two times per second.如果每秒,摄像机闪两次-,我们管这个叫2赫兹-,每秒闪两次。

10.The frequency response of radiation pattern of a pnear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation.计算偶极天线之辐射场型随频率之变化。