




1.深刻的启示 7 Unseen Enemy( 未见的敌人) 10 From The Depths( 深刻的启示) 12 At Easy Target( 容易的目标) ...

2.深渊来客 Seek my Master 猎人的右臂 From the Depths 深渊来客 Central Dome Fire Swirl 中心圆顶的火灾 ...

3.来自深处 ... 在中间的火/ Fire in the Midst 来自深处From the Depths 出卖灵魂/ Treacherous Soul ...

4.来自深渊者 ... Force Wall 术士障壁 From The Depths 来自深渊者 Genpei 源平 ...

5.深海的影子 HP 最大生命值 深海的影子 - From the Depths 深海恶魔 - Devil in the Water ...


1.What he said were all words from the depths of his heart.他所说的都是肺腑之言。

2.Tears from the depths of some divine despair rose in her heart and gathered to her eyes.泪水从她极度失望的内心深处涌起,聚到眼里;

3.These words from the depths of her heart out to each word with her real love, and true dedication.这些话从她心底深处冒出来,每个字都带着她真正的爱,和真正的奉献。

4.We've gone from the depths of despair to near euphoria in just a few days.就在几天前,深处绝望深渊的我们几乎可以重见光明了。

5.Feepng extraordinary veneration for the Master, he prayed to him from the depths of his heart and from the very marrow of his bones.怀着对尊师极其崇敬的心情,热穹在内心深处和骨髓里向尊师祈祷。

6.In other words, 1937 was the year that the V-shaped recovery from the depths of the Depression turned into a W-shaped one.换句话说,1937年,是从大萧条的底部V形反转向上之后又进入W形下跌的一年。

7.All of a sudden, loud scream from the depths of the reed came out to play the quiet of this piece of reed.突然,一声尖叫从芦苇深处传来,打灭了这片芦苇的宁谧。

8.She was roused by a chuckle which Mr. Dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat.多森先生从他那瘦弱的喉咙深处迸出一阵笑声,把她吓了一跳。

9.Magma seeps slowly up from the depths beneath a dwarf stronghold. If it's not stopped, the dwarves will have to abandon their ancient halls.岩浆从一座矮人要塞的地下缓缓渗出。如果不加以制止,矮人就会不得不放弃他们古老的大厅。

10.Exactly what shape the Earth's interior, modern science is still not possible from the depths of the earth samples to be confirmed.地球内部究竟何种模样,现代的科学水平还不可能从地球深处取样加以确认。