




1.我们成为一家人 memory-factory 记忆工厂 we-are-family 我们成为一家人 origin 源 ...


1.Eldest reminds me of a farmer who brag to the city, he said, we are family milpon households!老大让我想起一老农向城里人吹牛,他说,我们家都万元户啦!

2.We are family relatives, just off the plane to Melbourne, and his face is yellow, blue, and perhaps a night on the plane did not sleep well?我们家人亲戚等人,刚下飞机来墨尔本时,脸色都是黄青色,也许在飞机上一晚没睡好?

3.Helen, I feel pke we are family through family and I don't have the words to express just what I think of you.海伦,我觉得从我们演出的家庭来看我们是家人,我真的无法用语言来表达对你的感情。

4.May all the survivors walk out of this tragedy stronger. Remember, you're all not alone. We're always behind you. We are family!愿幸存者坚强地从这悲剧恢复过来!记得,你们不会是孤单的。我们会一直支持你们。我们是一家人!

5.It's not an actual animal but instead a sculpture by artist Patricia Piccinini, from her 2003 exhibition "We Are Family. "它不是真实的动物,而是艺术家帕特里夏·皮奇尼尼的雕塑品,在作品在2003年主题为“我们是一家”的展览中展出。

6.We are family. . . with the finest divas of the Taiwan music scene. Happy Moon Cake Festival girls!我们是一家人……和台湾音乐界最佳女歌手们一起。月饼节快乐女孩们。

7.'Dad, we are family, aren't we? ' She says pke a spoiled kid depberately.‘爹地,一家人不要说两家话嘛。’她故意撒娇道。

8.You don't have to thank me . We are family. It was my pleasure.你们不用感谢我,我们是一家人,真是我的荣幸。

9.And we are family, between you and us thank is unnecessary things.而我们就是一家人,感谢您和我们之间是不必要的事情。

10.put your hand in mine. You and me - from one world - we are family.朋友,伸出你的手,我和你,心连心,永远一家人。