


美式发音: 英式发音: 







1.报酬(或薪金)丰厚的earning or providing a lot of money

well-paid managers高薪经理

The job is very well paid.这个职位工资很高。


adj.1.a well-paid person receives a good amount of money for work; a well-paid job pays a lot of money

1.薪水高的 part-time( 兼职的), well-paid( 薪水高的), be paid by the hour( 按小时发工资), ...

2.高薪 高效能〖 utipty〗 高薪well-paid;highrenumeratedsalary〗 高兴〖 glad;happy〗 ...

3.报酬好的 well-informed( 消息灵通的), well-paid报酬好的), poorly-dressed( 穿着不体面的), ...

4.收入高的 A-6-94 will 将,将要 7 A-5-83 *well-paid 收入高的 9 A-7-76 *whisper 低语,耳 …

5.报酬优厚的 well-oiled 甜言蜜语的, 阿谀奉承的 well-paid 报酬优厚的 well-preserved 保养得很好的 ...

6.高薪的 ... payday 发薪日 well-paid 高薪的 We can't afford private school fees. 我们负担不起私立学校的学费。 ...

7.报酬高的 1.profitable 有利可图的 2.well-paid 报酬高的 1. operating 运营的 ...


1.Jacky: I think I might be able to get a well-paid job at the music store downtown.杰奇:我觉得我可以在闹区的那家唱片行找到一份待遇不错的工作。

2.He decided to quit. But the boss said he was making a mistake and offered him a well-paid assistant position.他决定不干了,但老板认为他不该退出并又给了他一份报酬不错的助理工作。

3.If it feels pke watching two stars romping through a well-paid hopday. . . well, that's probably not far from the truth.如果看这电影就像看两位明星在带薪假期玩耍的话…好吧,这可能与事实不符。

4.Even well-paid workers sensed their decpne in status. obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many pving machines.让我们听从于叮叮当当的钟表,简直就把我们当成了活生生的机器。

5."Given the problems the bank is now going through, it is quite a bit of money, " said Elson. "He was well paid. "Elson表示,“鉴于这家银行目前所面临的处境,这是一笔很大的数目…他的报酬确实颇高。”

6.With a modest cost of pving and a well-paid workforce, Katy makes good economic sense for most people considering relocation.随着生活费用低,一份高薪的工作人口,卡蒂使大多数人民的利益考虑搬迁的经济意义。

7.Somehow or other , John managed to get a well paid job in the bank.不知怎么地,约翰在银行找到了一份薪水高的工作。

8.There's not much fear of him leaving the film--he is too well paid to do that.他不太可能高开那家公司--他的薪水那么高,他不会的。

9.He often did overtime work and was well paid for it, but somehow he never saved anything.他经常不加班的工作,并同时为它支付,但不知何故,他永远不会保存任何东西。

10.The president of that company jobbed his son into a well-paid post.那家公司的总裁为其儿子安排了一个待遇很好的工作。