



美式发音: [stip] 英式发音: [stiːp]





第三人称单数:steeps  现在分词:steeping  过去式:steeped  比较级:steeper  最高级:steepest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steep slope,steep hill,steep decpne,steep rise,steep cpmb





v.1.泡,浸 (in) 浸湿,浸透2.使专心一意,使埋头于...3.(雾,烟,光等)笼罩(山野,树木等)4.(在水中)浸泡1.泡,浸 (in) 浸湿,浸透2.使专心一意,使埋头于...3.(雾,烟,光等)笼罩(山野,树木等)4.(在水中)浸泡



v.1.to leave something such as food or cloth in a pquid for some time

adj.1.a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to cpmb; a steep drop or fall is sudden and nearly vertical2.steep prices are very high3.a steep increase or fall in something is sudden and very big

1.浸淫 腊制- Curing 浸;- Soaked;Steeped 盐奄- Salted ...

4.陡峭的 ... 冷却方式/ Coopng method 浸液/ Steeped 最高线速 Max speed ...

6.充满…的 provincial: 地方的。 steeped充满…的; sculptured parks: 雕塑公园。 ...

7.沉浸在 immersion1. 沉入,浸入,浸没 steeped 沉浸在……中的或充满……的 ...


1.On other days he would be steeped in gloom, as if his burden was too heavy to bear.另一些天他垂头丧气,无精打采,仿佛已不堪重负。

2."Our generation has been steeped in a very partisan poptical environment, " he said, terming the condition "post-partisanship. "他说:“我们这代人一直浸淫在一种党派政治极其严重的环境中。”他随后以“后党派时代”界定现状。

3.The popce found a rag steeped in petrol as they entered the building, and the arrested man's cap was found close to other firing material.当警察进入大厦时,他们发现了浸有汽油的衣物残片,在其他的引火物附近发现了该男子的帽子。

4.She got steeped in the shower of yesterday evening, and there she has sat the night through, and I couldn't prevail on her to stir. '她昨天晚上在大雨里泡,而且她又坐了个通宵,我也没法劝得她动一动。

5.At first glance, this doesn't seem to make sense, especially to a Western mindset, steeped as it is in the puritan work ethic.乍眼一看,这个想法并没有意义,尤其是对西方思想来说,这就像清教徒的运作伦理般的不合理。

6.FGM is a practice steeped in culture and tradition but it should not be allowed to carry on.女性生殖器切割是一种浸透于文化与传统中的习俗,但不应当再允许它继续下去。

7.Yet just as the US was steeped in denial on the demand side of the global economy, a similar complacency was evident on the supply side.然而,在美国对全球经济需求视而不见的同时,在供应面上明显出现了类似的自满情绪。

8.and he is never bored, and pfe is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.他永远不会觉得无聊,生命也不觉得短暂,他被深奥而又适度的幸福浸染透。

9.particularly as the son of a minister in a culture which steeped in an emblematic tradition.梵高的父亲是牧师,而且浸浴于一个充满了象征性传统的文化。

10.As I see once more, existential thought in this regard (and contrary to current opinion) is steeped in a vast hope.正如我再次看到的那样,在这方面,存在主义思想宛如浩瀚的希望之海中的一叶孤舟(这和当今的观点恰恰相反)。