



美式发音: [ˈriˌbaʊnd] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌbaʊnd]




第三人称单数:rebounds  现在分词:rebounding  过去式:rebounded  同义词

v.spring back,recoil,ricochet,jump back,return






v.1.to hit a surface and then move quickly backward again2.to return to a better level or position3.if something bad that you try to do to someone rebounds on you, it harms you instead of them4.The past tense of rebind1.to hit a surface and then move quickly backward again2.to return to a better level or position3.if something bad that you try to do to someone rebounds on you, it harms you instead of them4.The past tense of rebind

n.1.a ball that has rebounded2.in basketball, the action of catching a ball after it has rebounded

na.1.The past tense and past participle of rebind

1.篮板 上场分钟 minutes 57446 篮板 rebounds 17440 火锅 Blocked Shots 3189 ...

2.抢得篮板球数 quarter-time 节间休息 rebounds 抢得篮板球数 receive the ball 接球 ...

3.篮板能力 ... R——Rigour( 精准度) R——Rebounds篮板能力) Y——Years( 资 …

4.总篮板球数 (Points) 总得分 (Rebounds) 总篮板球数 (Assists) 总助攻数 ...

5.篮板数 Points 得分 Rebounds 篮板数 Offensive Rebound 进攻篮板 ...

6.篮板球排行榜篮板球排行榜(Rebounds)- - 亚洲杯男篮锦标赛Asian Men's Bkn Championships第三届东亚运会The 3rd East Asian Games名 …

7.篮板球总数REB篮板球:球员在当季球赛中所抢得的篮板球总数(Rebounds)AST助攻:球员在当季中所达成的助攻次数(Assists)STL抄截:球员 …

8.篮板王超级篮板王(REBOUNDS) 描述美国篮球传奇人物"山羊"厄尔 KG在一场高中街头赛扮演来宾张伯伦 相关词: 感谢啦!


1.After the game, LeBron rebounds in talking about the issue, said he thought the rebound height is not the most important factor.赛后,勒布朗在谈到篮板球的问题时表示,他认为身高并非争抢篮板的最重要因素。

2.If you don't have the heart and desire to go after the ball and attack the ball, you probably won't get as many rebounds as you should.如果你不全身心投入去追逐每一个球,去抢每一个球的话,你就不可能得到你想要的篮板。

3.Yao snatching rebounds away from his own teammates! ! ! AND I LUV IT! ! ! ! !姚明从自己的队友手里抢篮板了,我喜欢!

4.It helps to be big. Yao and Dwight Howard are the only players in the top six in both defensive rebounds and blocked shots per game.个头大总是有好处,姚明和霍华德是仅有的两个同时在防守篮板和盖帽场均列联盟前6的球员。

5.How Americans adjust their household budgets to higher energy prices, of course, will determine how much spending rebounds.美国人如何调整自己的家庭预算,以提高能源价格,当然,这将决定如何花费不少篮板球。

6.In such a way, Suns had to keep most of their players to fight for the rebounds and could not be able to run the fast break.这样一来,太阳就必须保持足够的球员在自己后场抢篮板,而无法发起快攻。

7.EVERY time the stockmarket rebounds, as it has recently, commentators wonder whether this at last marks the bottom for share prices.每当股市反弹,就好比这次,股评员们都在怀疑这能否标志股价终于见底了。

8.Other times, he rotated into the paint to steal rebounds from Hornets forwards and casually lay the ball back in.他还经常在黄蜂队的三秒区里从黄蜂队前锋手中抢下篮板,然后轻松的扔进篮筐。

9.Yao didnt seem to jump for the rebounds. He just stood there with his hands up.YAO看上去都没有跳起来去抢篮板,他只是站在那里举着双手。

10.Andrew Bynum began to blossom before our very eyes, posting double digits in points and rebounds , night in and night out.拜纳姆在我们的面前成长,时不时可以贡献两双的成绩(得分和篮板),虽然还有些不稳定。