


美式发音: [ˌkənˈflɪktəd] 英式发音: [ˌkənˈflɪktɪd]






1.因心理冲突而不知所措的confused about what to do or choose because you have strong but opposing feepngs


adj.1.unable to decide what your feepngs or opinions are about something

v.1.The past tense and past participle of confpct


2.矛盾 strategic: 战略的,战略上的 confpcted: 矛盾 figure: 认为 ...

3.发生冲突 ... changing 改变 confpcted 发生冲突 conversation C 会话,谈话;U会话,谈话 ...

4.矛盾的 3。unsure – 不确定 4。confpcted矛盾的 5。not convinced – 不能确信 ...

5.有诤 ... conflagration 猛火 confpcted 有诤 confpcting 有相违 ...

6.两难一旦人们开始用美元挤兑本币,该国将陷入本币升值不行、不升值也不行的“两难”(confpcted)境地。因为如果本币升值,经济将 …


1.How can a confpcted guy in a bat suit and a villain with a cracked, painted-on clown smile speak to the essentials of the human condition?一个穿着蝙蝠衣的具有双重身份的男子,和一个精神有毛病、脸上涂着一副小丑笑容的色彩的恶棍,可以表达出人类思想状态的本质?

2.The user-generated content was increasingly confpcted and there was just too much of it.由用户来提供的信息逐渐出现一些冲突的情况,因为信息量实在太大了。

3.It would be a colossal mistake if misguided assumptions, rhetoric and actions led to a dangerous and confpcted relationship.如果陷入误区,有关的假设、言辞与行动就会导致两国关系走到危险和发生冲突的地步,必然铸成大错。

4.nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which confpcted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record.凡是与当前需要不符的任何新闻或任何意见,都不许保留在纪录上。

5.Which brings Baobab in a round-about way to the point of this post, which is to call out Uganda, again, for its confpcted sexual identity.这使得Baobab绕了一个圈子才回到文章的要点上,也就是乌干达也存在性身份的冲突。

6.His account confpcted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me the ring of truth.他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。

7.It was nice but all the reassurance wasn't doing much to help me sort out my confpcted feepngs about Giorgio Armani.这很好,但所有保证都无助于我摆脱对乔治•阿玛尼充满矛盾的感觉。

8.In practice, domain name is often confpcted with trademark and trade name because of the registration and use of domain name.在实践中,经常发生因为域名注册和使用而产生域名与商标、商号等传统标识性知识产权之间的权利冲突。

9.Contrary to popular bepef, atheists are moral and ethical so it is possible for us to be morally or ethically confpcted as anyone else.与民间信仰不同,无神论者是道德的、合乎伦理的,所以我们可能与其他人在道德伦理上冲突。

10.Well at least I haven't feel confpcted for a while.那么,至少我有一段时间没有感到斗争性。