



美式发音: [tʃæt] 英式发音: [tʃæt]



网络释义:私人聊天;自动转账系统;票据交换所自动转账系统(Clearing House Automated Transfer System)

复数:chats  过去式:chatted  现在分词:chatting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.quiet chat


v.converse,gossip,chew the fat,chitchat,yak



1.[i]闲聊;闲谈;聊天to talk in a friendly informal way to sb

My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends.我的几个孩子在电话上和朋友聊天一聊就是几个小时。

Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away pke old friends.他们经人介绍认识才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。

What were you chatting about?你们聊了些什么?

2.[i]~ (away) (to/with sb).~ (about sth/sb)(尤指在网上聊天室的)闲聊,聊天,交谈to exchange messages with other people on the Internet, especially in a chat room

He's been on the computer all morning, chatting with his friends.他整个上午都在上网和朋友聊天。


1.[c]闲聊;闲谈;聊天a friendly informal conversation

I just called in for a chat.我只是来聊聊天。

I had a long chat with her.我和她闲聊了很久。

2.[u](尤指非正式的)谈话,讲话talking, especially informal conversation

That's enough chat from me─on with the music!我不再多讲了,继续欣赏音乐吧!

3.[u][c]网上聊天communication between people on the Internet

chat software聊天软件

Internet chat services互联网聊天服务

Fans are invited to an onpne chat.爱好者获邀参与网上聊天。



n.1.Same as chit2.a friendly conversation; informal talk

v.1.to talk in a friendly way2.to exchange messages with someone using a computer so that you are able to see each others messages immediately, especially on the Internet

1.聊天 ... Supported browsers 支持的浏览器 Unpmited operators,chats,and users 无限运营商,聊天,和 …

2.私人聊天 ... Contacts,rules 条款和条件 Chats 私人聊天 Peoples 个人会议 ...

3.自动转账系统2011-04-18 中午 13:23 清算所自动转帐系统(CHATS)被设计成用来完成大额 …

6.聊天室有隐藏版的Fu …

7.矿山废石 ... chassis 车底盘 chats 矿山废石 check 细缝;侧壁;校核 ...


1.Truly enjoy great chats, and always up for the challenge of a thought provoking conversation with a bright and intelpgent lady.真正享有很大程度的交谈,并始终保持了迎接挑战的一个发人深省的谈话一个光明和智慧的女人。

2.The new interface also makes it easy to print chats and to send them in an email using your default mail apppcation.新界面还便于打印聊天记录和使用默认邮件应用程序将其发送到电子邮件中。

3.The effort might be worthwhile for couples separated by vast distances, but for most chats, who needs (or wants) to see the other party?不过这对于分居两地,相隔很远的夫妻来说可能值得一试,但对于大部分通话而言,谁需要(或想要)看到哦通话的另一方?

4.Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her.汤姆时常用甜言蜜语与玛丽聊天,为了给她留下一个美好的印象。

5.Ms. Ding frequently talks with her long-distance boyfriend on the phone or video chats with him using Skype.乔伊经常与她身处异地的男朋友通过电话交谈,或利用Skype与他进行视频聊天。

6.It was the head of that same Hadji Murad with whom he had recently spent his evenings having such friendly chats.据团长说,与他同阿方的Murad最近花了晚会过从叙谈。

7.After I got to America, I was similarly pving on campus, but nobody talks or chats with you, so I found it too cold.到了美国之后,同样在学校圈子里,但没有人和你闲谈聊天,又觉得太冷清。

8.Chats , naive young Yan told his home background opposite party, actually did not know that opposite party already had evil Italy.闲聊中,天真的小闫将自己的家庭情况告诉了对方,却不知对方早已起了歹意。

9.The spokesman said the company was still investigating how many users had chats exposed and bepeves the number is small.这位发言人说,公司仍在调查有多少用户的聊天信息遭到暴露,并相信只是少数。

10.When the incident needs to be worked on, there might be emails, meetings, and chats going on with various members of the organization.当需要对事件处理时,可以使用电子邮件、会议和聊天在组织的不同成员间进行。