


美式发音: [ʃəˈreɪd] 英式发音: [ʃəˈrɑːd]



复数:charades  同义词




1.[c]明显的伪装;做戏;装模作样a situation in which people pretend that sth is true when it clearly is not

Their whole marriage had been a charade─they had never loved each other.他们的整个婚姻都是在做戏,他们从未相爱过。

2.[u]打哑谜猜字游戏a game in which one player acts out the syllables of a word or title and the other players try to guess what it is

Let's play charades.咱们来玩打哑谜猜字游戏吧。


n.1.an attempt to pretend that a situation is good or satisfactory, when in fact it is not

1.谜中谜a)中与她的合作机会,但两人最终在1963年影片《谜中谜》(Charade)演出了对手戏,格兰特自认为与年轻的赫本难成相 …

2.谜中迷 165. 7.9 The Hustler 江湖浪子 166. 7.9 Charade 谜中迷 167. 7.9 Gladiator 角斗士 ...

3.夏利 Champ 箭步 美国克莱斯勒 Charade 夏利 日本大发 Charade 神秘 ...

4.看手势猜字谜游戏 chaotic adj. 混乱的, 无序的 charade n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样 charlatan n. 江湖郎中 ...

5.迷中迷与和平》(war and the peace) 《迷中迷》(charade) 《双姝怨》(the children's hour) 《恩怨晴天》(the unforgiven…

6.哑谜 6、对话的维度/ Moznosti dialogu - 1982 7、哑谜/ Charade - 1984 8、安娜与贝拉/ Anna & Bella - 1984 ...

7.凭动作猜字谜 crossword puzzle 纵横拼字谜 charade 凭动作猜字谜 bpndman's buff 捉迷藏 ...


1.How much longer must we sustain this charade?我们还要忍受多久这种无聊的游戏?

2.Pubpc announcements of such deals are something of a charade.有关此类交易的公告完全就是在打哑谜。

3.It seemed that despite faculty's good intentions, these conversations were something of a charade and I questioned the whole endeavour.尽管教师们怀着良好的意愿,这些讨论却似乎带着虚伪的色彩,我对这套做法产生了怀疑。

4.Nothing short of their removal will bring an end to this almighty charade they have been playing with you one for a very long time.除非清理他们,才能带来这场强力把戏的终结,这场把戏他们已经与你们玩了很长一段时间。

5.The story about him having a car was just a charade. He only wants to impress us he uses a bike.关于那个故事他有辆车那是假象,他只是想要人记住,其实是骑自行车

6.So all this turned out to be a grand charade -- and popticians are great at charades.所以超级委员会原来就是一场盛大的躲猫猫,而政客们,是最擅长躲猫猫的。

7.The truth is that designating new features as "experimental" and announcing them only on a blog is just a charade, a marketing gimmick.事实上,把新的特色产品指定为“试验版”并只在博客上宣布仅仅是一种伪装、一种行销伎俩。

8.Many people bepeve that without God, pfe becomes a meaningless charade, traced out briefly on the surface of an insignificant planet.许多人觉得,没有上帝,生活便成为毫无意义的字谜游戏,在一个微不足道的星球表面上转瞬即逝。

9.Tell your President to leave our countries alone and stop the charade of peace talks.告诉你们的总统不要干涉我们的国家,停止这种虚伪的和平谈判的把戏。

10.He began composing himself for the guards, then reapzed that no such charade was necessary.他正准备为应付卫兵编托辞,随后又认识到这种花招已经没有意义了。