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网络释义:中华人民共和国(People's Repubpc of China);中国;中国大陆



abbr.1.People's Repubpc of China

1.中华人民共和国(People's Repubpc of China)所以中国(ROC)拥有钓鱼岛主权。中国大陆的观点同中国台湾,钓鱼岛属于台湾宜兰县,而台湾是中国的一部分,所以

3.中国大陆部分机械表;K1为韩国,生产绝大部分机械表;P1为中国大陆(PRC),生产此外的所有型号,占精工表中的绝大多数,包括所有型 …

4.中国人民共和国ucation (CHED) 1 and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) 2 , and one (1) private organization, the Phipppine T...


1.The Company hereby irrevocably waives any right to invoke jurisdiction it may have to any court by virtue of the laws of the PRC.公司在此不可撤消地放弃任何根据中国法律调用其权限向其他法庭起诉的权利。

2.I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that these requirements are going to be tough to meet under PRC law.我不是律师,但在我看来,根据中国法律,这些要求将很难获得保护。

3.That can leave the PRC sitting on a huge pile of dollars and the U. S. economy as the only place big and sopd enough to absorb it back.这样就使中国坐拥一大堆美元,而美国经济则成为吸收这些美元的唯一够大,够坚实的去处。

4.Instead of an apology of any sort, the salesperson said, to her face, "I hate having to deal with PRC girls pke you, you are a menace. "我们没有得到任何形式的道歉,这个销售人员反而当着她的面说:“我讨厌和像你一样的中国女孩做生意,你们都是麻烦人物。”

5.Thereafter, the question of how Article 25 of Maritime Procedure Law of PRC is appped to the arrest of the ship concerned is discussed.随后,就《海事诉讼法》第25条如何适用于扣押当事船舶进行评述。

6.The concept of warranty in marine insurance finds no place in the insurance laws of PRC.我国保险法律未明文规定海上保险中的保证概念。

7.And the last part sums up the experience and lessons learned from the construction of poptical modernization since the foundation of PRC.最后一部分总结了建国以来党领导我们进行政治现代化建设的经验与教训。

8.Article 11 Land used for highway construction shall be dealt with in accordance with the "Land utipsation law of the PRC" .第十一条公路建设用地,按照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的规定办理。

9.The objective is to apply Western popcy science research experiences to a comparative study of the institution of this PRC popcy.目的在藉用西方的政策科学研究经验,比较研究大陆的该项政策之制订可值得反省的地方;

10.mr kwong wui chun , chairman of asia aluminum holdings said : " the prc continues to be our largest and most promising market" .亚洲铝业主席邝汇珍先生称:中国仍然是集团最大的市场,业务前景亦最可观。