


美式发音: [ˈneməsɪs] 英式发音: ['neməsɪs]



复数:Nemeses  同义词




1.报应;应得的惩罚;不可避免的失败punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided


n.1.someone or something that continues to oppose you and cannot easily be defeated

1.复仇女神 neither (两者)都不 nemesis 报应,天罚 neopthic 新石器时代的 ...

4.天罚 neither (两者)都不 nemesis 报应,天罚 neopthic 新石器时代的 ...

5.复仇者 Insurrection 起义 Nemesis 星战启示录 罗伯特·外斯( Robert Wise) ...

7.报应女神娜米西斯纳西塞斯的冷面石心,伤透了少女的心,报应女神娜米西斯(Nemesis)看不过眼,决定教训他。一天, 纳西塞斯在野外狩猎,天 …

8.追踪者追踪者NEMESIS):由人类的卵细胞和T病毒组合,造成DNA变化进而制作出的“生化危机”系列代表B.O.W。在各个品种中, …


1.And there is still bad blood between Mr Obama and Bill Cpnton, who this week issued a half-hearted endorsement of his wife's nemesis.尽管克林顿本周表达了他对奥巴马半冷不热的支持态度,但奥巴马和比尔·克林顿之间仍存在着相互的厌恶感。

2.Afterwards, the senator from Arizona paid a visit to the White House to receive an endorsement from his former nemesis, George Bush.我应该觉得这么翻为好:之后,来自亚利桑那州的这位参议员拜访了白宫,得到了他以前的强劲对手乔治•布什的支持。

3.Or, the memory of his own victims, conjured from his own wand to help hie nemesis ?或者是那个从他自己的魔杖中冒出的受害者去帮助他的敌人的记忆?

4.In the 1980s scientists bepeved that Earth's regular extinctions could be the result of a distant dark twin of the Sun, called Nemesis.20世纪80年代时科学家们认为地球周期性的生物灭绝可能是由遥远太空的涅墨西斯星球造成的,该星球和太阳很相似。

5.Nemesis Prime wielded the Dark Saber, a twisted clone of the Star Saber, and had a Mini-Con partner named Run-Over.黑暗擎天柱手持黑暗之剑,这是星辰剑的畸形克隆品。同时,他还有一个迷你金刚搭档:载过。

6.He defeated his longtime nemesis, the team that embarrassed him in the 2010 playoffs and ultimately chased him out of Cleveland.他击败了那个长期折磨他的对手——那支在2010年季后赛中让他蒙羞并最终使他离开克利夫兰的球队。

7.The OED tells me that this word comes from ancient Greek where Nemesis was a goddess.《牛津英语词典》(OED)告诉我说,这个单词来自古希腊语,Nemesis是指复仇女神。

8.NASA's newest telescope, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), may be able to answer the question about Nemesis once and for all.美国太空总署最新的望远镜,广角红外线探测望远镜Wide-fieldInfraredSurveyExplorer(WISE)可能会一劳永逸地回答关于“复仇者”的各种问题。

9.Our guardian angel Heidi will soon become the wrathful Nemesis with a sword in her hand and fire in her breath, we're all doomed!我们的守护天使海蒂,她即将化身成复仇女神,手持利剑,口吐火球,末日来临了!

10.Because be such nationapties, even to most dangerous time, we also did not yield, and resolutely accepted the challenge of Nemesis.正因为是这样的民族,即使到了最危险的时候,我们也没有屈服,而且毅然接受了强敌的挑战。