


美式发音: [k'ræmɪŋ] 英式发音: [k'ræmɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of cram

1.死记硬背 具有时效性的 time-efficient 死记硬背 cramming 很想赢 be hungry for success ...

2.填鸭式教学 dropout n. 辍学 cramming n. 填鸭式教学 feedback n. 反馈 ...

3.填鸭式的用功 conservation 保存 cramming 填鸭式的用功 crocodile 鳄鱼 ...

4.塞满 crammed stripe [纺]密经条纹 cramming 塞满, 填鸭式的用功 cramoisy 深红色的 ...

5.突击式学习 induce vt. 引起,导致 cramming n. 突击式学习;填鸭式教学 mechanic n. 技工,机 …

6.填鸭式教学法 高等教育: Higher education 填鸭式教学法cramming 综合性大学: University ...

7.临时死记硬背 course 课程 cramming 临时死记硬背 creaming 择优分班(分校) ...


1.He lay back at full stretch over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pocket, his hat tilted down on his eyes.他直着身子仰卧在巉岩上,把匆忙中写的便条和铅笔塞进兜里,将帽子拉歪,遮上眼睛。

2.teaching in a boys cramming - joint down in pennsylvania , and of all private pttle hells such a billet is the pmit.靠远在宾夕法尼亚州一个填鸭式的男校教书。在所有私立的小地狱里这种地方是最糟糕的。

3.Knowledge retention Cramming for exams in a haze of No- Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow.考前在咖啡的刺激下来”临阵磨枪“是人们但愿希望能从此摆脱的一件活动。

4.They put her up in style that night, and she slept in the comfort of a hotel bed instead of cramming herself into the cab of her pickup.他们那个夜晚讲气派留宿她,并且她睡在一张饭店床的安慰过程中而不是将她自己塞入她的加速的出租汽车。

5.The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume, as happens when a massive star collapses.形成黑洞的关键是在足够小的体积内塞进足够多的质量或能量,就象巨型恒星塌缩时所发生的情况。

6.Jean: Oh, let me guess. You were cramming for the test or busy with the crib sheet?我猜猜。你昨天是为考试熬夜还是忙着做小抄?

7.After three rigorous years of study, followed by intense cramming for the bar exam, I needed time away from the law.经过三年的严格学习,接着就是激烈填鸭式地准备律师资格考试,我需要离开法律一段时间。

8.For now, though, he is too busy cramming for the exams that will allow him, at last, to call himself an architect in the United States.虽然现在他正在忙于应付考试,通过这种考试,起码在美国他可以自称为建筑师。

9.Effectual or not, last minute cramming is always necessary before exam!不管有效没效,考前必须抱佛脚!

10.Everybody knows it is not healthy to burn the midnight oil. Sometimes we have no choice to stay up cramming for the tests tomorrow.虽然每个人都知道熬夜是不健康的。但有时我们还是不得不熬夜抱佛脚。