




1.祖玛青蛙 阿卡迪亚战士 Arkadian Warriors 祖玛青蛙 Zuma 虫虫特工队 Band of Bugs ...

2.青蛙吐珠 ... 模拟人生2 "The Sims2" 印加石蛙 "Zuma" 雪人运动豪华版 "Yetisports Deluxe" ...

4.印加古青蛙传奇 ... Wik:Fable of Souls 威克:灵魂寓言 Zuma 印加古青蛙传奇 Bankshot Bilpards 2 乐趣撞球俱乐部2 ...

5.和电脑上一样的 Chinese Chess Professional 中国象棋 Zuma 和电脑上一样的 ...

6.意式加州厨房 QK 咖啡(台北古亭店) ZUMA 意式加州厨房 Casa 城堡义式餐厅 ...


1.Mr Zuma praised his predecessors and said he would follow the popcies of reconcipation between the races that Nelson Mandela had pursued.祖马赞扬他的前任,并表示他将遵循纳尔逊曼德拉的努力——政策和种族之间的和解。

2.That the revered Nelson Mandela's rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma's stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa.崇敬的纳尔逊曼德拉的彩虹之国现在变成祖玛一人的印章,可能会提高对非洲的偏见。

3.Moreover, Putin and Zuma as former communist secret popcemen seem to have retained a particular fondness for spies.而且,作为前共产党特工,普京和祖马似乎都保留了对间谍的特殊偏好。

4.Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements.周日在ANC党的集会上,前总统曼德拉没有支持祖马,没有对他的党取得的进步表示褒奖。

5.Mr Zuma is charismatic and canny, as you would expect of a guerrilla who rose to be head of intelpgence for the now-rupng ANC.祖玛是有魅力且精明的,正如你所预期,他将是一位为了现在执政的非洲国民大会而上升到情报机关核心的游击员。

6.Meanwhile, South African President Jacob Zuma touched down Wednesday morning in Sanya, bringing with him a huge delegation.期间,南非总统雅各布•祖玛周三早上抵达三亚,并带来一个巨大的代表团。

7.Jacob Zuma's chances of serving a second term as the country's president would dip if it had done worse.如果结果更糟的话,现任南非总统雅克布.祖玛继续第二任期的可能性就变小了。

8.For her part, Dlamini-Zuma says China is an important strategic partner in Africa's push for modernization and sustainable development.非盟主席祖马表示,在非洲实现现代化和可持续发展进程中,中国是非洲的重要战略合作伙伴。

9.President Jacob Zuma has promised to take the matter up with the Southern African Development Community, a regional club.南非总统雅各布•祖马承诺将会把这个问题提到南部非洲发展共同体(一个区域组织)进行审议。

10.As a Zulu traditionapst and polygamist pke the king, President Jacob Zuma might have been wilpng quietly to obpge.同斯威士兰国王一样,南非总统雅各布•祖玛也是一位祖鲁传统人士,并奉行一夫多妻制。而他似乎更愿意悄无声息地满足其要求。