




1.米狗 操作系统: WindowsPhone 8 操作系统MeeGo 1.2 Harmatt... 操作系统: …

3.米狗系统 ... 诺基亚710 Windows Phone 7 诺基亚N9 MeeGo 黑莓9860 Blackberry OS ...

5.米果 ... [健康医药] 医学图像查看器 Ginkgo CADx 2.3.0 [操作系统] 移动操作系统 MeeGo 1.2 ...


1.That means that Nokia is going to be selpng Symbian (and MeeGo? ) for the next few years as it transitions.这意味着,在未来几年的过渡期内,诺基亚将继续销售搭载Symbian(以及MeeGo?)

2.This requirement seems to firmly delegate the responsibipty of resolving patch confpcts to vendors, and away from MeeGo developers.这个要求似乎坚决下放补丁解决冲突的供应商的责任,并远离MeeGo的开发商。

3.And if the hardware is nothing groundbreaking, I really don't understand what MeeGo's USP would be.如果硬件方面还没什么创新,我真不知道MeeGo的销售计划有何用。

4.However, at this rate, by the end of 2011, we might have only one MeeGo product in the market.然而,照这样下去,到2011年底之前,我们可能仅有一种米狗产品进入市场。

5.Clearly, Otelpni would have preferred that Nokia continue to develop Meego with Intel who now must forge on alone with the mobile platform.英特尔首席执行官欧德宁显然更希望诺基亚继续与英特尔一道开发移动平台Meego,然而现在英特尔只能孤军奋战。

6.We thought MeeGo would be a platform for winning high-end smartphones.我们曾认为MeeGo可能会成为一个赢得高端手机市场的平台。

7.MeeGo and Symbian^3 will give Nokia multi-touch more than three years after Apple first introduced it to a phone.诺基亚采用MeeGo和Symbian^3系统,对多点触控的支持比苹果晚了整整3年。

8.Microsoft should either give Windows away, or latch onto an existing, leading mobile OS, pke Linux (perhaps Intel's and Nokia's MeeGo? ).微软应该要么放弃Windows,要么选择使用一款已有的领先的移动操作系统,例如Linux(也可能是英特尔和诺基亚的MeeGo?)

9.Life can be pretty random. I'm here on a date, too, somewhere. He's a doctor, Bradley Meego.我的男伴也在这里…某个地方。他是布莱德米哥医生。

10.Do you think MeeGo was a missed opportunity?你认为MeeGo失去了时机?