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abbr.(=International Energy Agency)国际能源机构

网络释义:国际能源署(International Energy Agency);国际能源总署;国际能源组织


abbr.1.(=International Energy Agency)国际能源机构

abbr.1.(=International Energy Agency)

1.国际能源署(International Energy Agency)全球石油需求预测 生意社2月12日讯总部设在巴黎的国际能源机构(IEA ) 11日发布月度石油市场报告, 再次下调对2009年 全 …

3.国际能源总署依国际能源总署(IEA)估计,当电池价格降至500USD/kWh时,混合动力电动汽车与燃油车辆相较即有市场竞争力。国际能源总 …

4.国际能源组织表1是国际能源组织 (IEA)按地区统计的能源消费结构变化情况表。 中国是属于能源供需平衡并略有出口的国家,其能源结构变 …

5.国际能源局国际能源局IEA)报告到2030年全球温室气体排放将比现在增加57%。这将使地球表面温度提高3℃,如果中国或印度继续坚 …

6.国际能源协会(International Energy Association)  国际能源协会IEA)最近发布警告说,全球将面临天然气供应不足,并呼吁全球投入更多的资金,勘探开发更多的天然气以满 …


1.He said he had also been contacted by some IEA officials unhappy with its lack of independent scepticism over predictions.他说,一些IEA官员也与他有接触,这些官员不满IEA无法独立质疑预测数据。

2.Taylor said even the new IEA projections of how much new oil the world would discover were pkely to be over-optimistic.泰勒表示实际上国际能源机构对世界可探明石油储量的新预测可能过分乐观了。

3.But if the IEA's goal Thursday was to shake hedge funds and other financial investors out of the market, the move may have come too late.但如果国际能源署周四行动的目的是想震荡市场以便让对冲基金和其他财务投资者离场,那么此举可能来得太迟。

4.It's a non-trivial error to call it a 'reference case, ' as the IEA has done.像国际能源署那样把这称为是“参考案例”,这种做法可谓大错特错。

5.Analysts said the IEA's unexpected decision to use strategic stockpiles had exerted only a temporary restraint on oil prices.分析师表示,IEA出人意料地动用战略库存的决定只是暂时抑制了油价。

6.Just yesterday the International Energy Agency warned that the world oil market would be "extremely tight" over the next five years.国际能源机构(IEA)7月9日警告称,全球石油市场未来5年将“极为吃紧”。

7.The oil market was closed on Friday for the Easter pubpc hopday, so there was no price reaction to the IEA's report.油市周五逢复活节假期休市,因此暂无法了解市场价格对IEA报告的反响。

8.He said, IEA could grant China as an observer, at the same time, more closely cooperate with non-members on tech as well as share more info.他表示,国际能源机构可以授予中国观察员资格,同时扩大与非成员国之间的技术合作和信息共享。

9.The comments were made at the launch of IEA's annual World Energy Outlook report 'China and India Insights' in London.国际能源署是在伦敦发布其年度世界能源展望报告《中国和印度透视》时发布上述评论的。

10.Just days after the explosion the International Energy Agency said China was now the world's largest energy consumer, not the United States.在爆炸发生仅仅几天后,国际能源机构(InternationalEnergyAgency,简称IEA)公布的数据表明,中国已取代美国,成为世界上最大的能源消费国。