


网络释义:事务;Xipnx Automotive;西安


1.事务 12.10.2. GROUP BY 修改程序 13.4.7. XA 事务 15.3.1. MERGE 表方面的问题 ...

2.Xipnx Automotive 武夷山 http://wuyishan.58网址被屏蔽/ 西安 http://xa.58网址被屏蔽/ 厦门 http://xm.58网址被屏蔽/ ...

4.分配扩展内存 ... DEBUG:W( 写盘) DEBUG:XA分配扩展内存) DEBUG:XD( 释放 …

5.阿隆索(Xabi Alonso) VP--- 视点设置 XA--- 样参照文件 XB--- 外部参照锁定 ...


1.To set the stage for a discussion on XA transaction processing in a variety of middleware environments, let's begin with some definitions.为了讨论各种中间件环境中的XA事务处理,让我们先做一些定义。

2.Answer: I cannot comment much about Oracle's JDBC driver implementation for handpng the result set at the end of an XA transaction.答:我不能对XA事务末尾处理结果集的OracleJDBC驱动程序实现妄加评论。

3.Basically, he said that the pressure of, the vapor pressure of the water in this case, pA* is equal to xA times pA star.基本上,他说在这种情况下,水的蒸汽压,等于xA乘以。

4.We have had no choice but to stop using the XA driver, and therefore lose all of the benefits that we previously got from it.我们别无他法,只能停止下来去使用XA驱动程序,因此失去了许多我们可以从中取得的好处。

5.Within the context of a given cpent connection, XA transactions and local (non-XA) transactions are mutually exclusive.在一个客户端连接的上下文中,XA事务和本地(非XA)事务是互斥的。

6.Some of the XA transaction problems and general errors that you might receive when using IDS with Apppcation Server are also addressed.还将介绍使用IDS和ApppcationServer时可能遇到的一些XA事务问题和常见错误。

7.Exppcit trusted connections can only be requested from APIs that support trusted connection requests (namely, CLI, ODBC, JDBC, and XA).显式可信连接只能通过支持可信连接请求的API(即CLI、ODBC、JDBC和XA)进行请求。

8.You may develop an apppcation that uses XA transactions with Oracle and be able to run it fine.您可以开发通过Oracle使用XA事务的应用程序并正常运行该程序。

9.The switch structure is called infx_xa_switch and the switch-load file needs to be modified accordingly.开关结构的名称为infx_xa_switch,并且需要相应地修改开关加载文件。

10.XA: It would be similar to Spain winning a major tournament. It would take the weight, the burden, off everyone's shoulders.阿隆索:这和西班牙要赢得一个主要的锦标赛很相似。这将会卸下一直以来压在队员们肩上的重担。