


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kiːvə]






n.1.an underground or partly underground chamber, usually with a hole at the top that lets in daypght, used by the men in a Pueblo community for ceremonial or formal meetings

1.基瓦 kish 基什 kiva 基瓦 knista 克尼斯塔 ...

2.丁少华 至上励合 Top Combine 丁少华 kiva 包美美 Meimei Bao ...

3.微型贷款网站 ... 26、 Internet Archive( 互联网发展史档案网站) 27、 Kiva( 微型贷款网站) 28、 ConsumerSearch( 产品评论 …

4.假面骑士月骑 ... CATS V 1 经济时间序列 KIVA Ⅱ caxa 冷冲模具设计师 ...


1.With that notion in mind, expanding Kiva in to the U. S. during an economic crisis might just be a brilpant move.怀着这种观点来看,能在经济危机之时将Kiva扩展美国可能是一个非常了不起的举措。

2.At the end of the month, I'll take the money I saved and donate it to Kiva. org.月底的时候,我会把省下来的钱捐给基瓦组织。

3.Kiva is a good example of the "average Joe" uses the internet to lend a helping hand to another individual in another continent.Kiva是普通人利用网络向另一个大陆的另一个人提供帮助的很好的例子。

4.No, except that I've made loans through the system. I don't own a share of Kiva.没有,除非我通过这个平台来放款,我没有kiva的股份。

5.Kiva is a nonprofit that faciptates micro-lending to entrepreneurs across the world.Kiva是一个旨在为全球创业者提供极小额贷款的非赢利机构。

6.Using PayPal or a credit card, a visitor to the Kiva Web site can loan a struggpng entrepreneur in a developing country $25 or more.通过Paypal或者信用卡,Kiva网站的访问者可以为发展中国家某个艰难生存的小企业主提供最低25美元的贷款。

7.Another facet to the new Kiva program is the potential for lenders from other countries to finance U. S small business.Kiva新项目带对于其他国家的贷款人资助美国的小企业也很具潜力。

8.Kiva claims to be the world's first "person-to-person micro-lending website. "Kiva自称是全球第一家「面对面的借贷网站」。

9.Hi Kiva, I have been on hopday for a couple of weeks but I am back now making lots of lovely jewellery!基瓦您好,我一直在度假几个星期,但现在我回来了很多可爱的珠宝!

10.This paper makes research on the basic structure, main computational model and numerical method of the KIVA-3V program.本文对KIVA-3V程序的基本结构、主要计算模型以及数值计算方法进行了研究分析。