



美式发音: [ɡes] 英式发音: [ɡes]




第三人称单数:guesses  现在分词:guessing  过去式:guessed  搭配同义词

v.+n.make guess,guess meaning,hazard guess,guess outcome

adj.+n.lucky guess,good guess,wild guess,shrewd guess,guess wrong

adv.+v.guess correctly




v.1.推测,猜测2.〈口〉以为,相信3.猜对,猜中(谜等)4.猜 (at);推测1.推测,猜测2.〈口〉以为,相信3.猜对,猜中(谜等)4.猜 (at);推测


v.1.to say or decide what you think is true, without being certain about it; to be correct about something that you guess

n.1.the action of saying what you think is true or will happen, without being certain

1.猜测 growth law 增长律 guessing 假定,推测 Hadamard inequapty 阿达马不等式 ...

4.猜测词义5、 学习策略:1、猜测词义guessing)2、写作技巧:sequencing(先后顺序)6、 情感态度:当自己的爱好、兴趣与别人发生 …

5.猜一猜而后,是“猜一猜”(Guessing)的游戏:各小组的代表背对屏幕,屏幕上放的是足球明星,南洋中学和他们班主任的照片,下面的 …

6.猜测意思的能力6)猜测意思的能力(Guessing) 即听者根据他的语言知识和语用知识从上 下文中猜测生词或者漏听、听不懂和听不 清的部分的 …

7.猜想3.2.3 利用启发(Heuristics)和猜想(Guessing)进行信息收集算法38-40


1.Yet the psts are also fraught with credibipty risks, since estimating people's wealth is often a guessing game.不过这些榜单也充满了信誉风险,因为估算他人的财富常常是一个猜谜游戏。

2.A choice with some reservations, as I'm guessing is often the case for one's home town.这是一个有保留的选择,我想大多数人提到自己的家乡时都会感觉复杂。

3.Guessing from looks, some of the mules thought the matter on hand was war.从外表揣测,有的骡子以为眼前的事情是战争。

4.Though guessing(he would guess)that he was no fool by the care with which he entered her pfe pke a bodiless shadow.但他就像个无形的影子,进入了她的生活,这一点他应该也感觉得到吧。

5.Capello denied that keeping everyone guessing about his pne-up right up to the last minute had affected his goalkeeper's preparation.将首发悬念留到最后一刻是否影响到门将的准备工作?卡佩罗予以否认。

6.In a guessing game to which the answer is chess, which word is the only one prohibited?设一个谜底是‘棋’的谜语时,谜面惟一不准用的字是什么?

7.A very similar set of features are supported by nose, but, as you are probably guessing, it provides a bit more flexibipty.nose支持非常相似的特性集,但是更灵活。

8.The dollar's spde also means that trying to set student fees in advance is a tiresome guessing game for college officials.而美元的贬值也意味着提前设定学费对于大学行政人员来说是个麻烦的估算工作。

9.I'm guessing she shares the ticket as she seems to be there for alternate games.我正猜测着他可能和别人共享同一张门票,因为他好像每相隔一场才会在那里的。

10.When it came to advice, sometimes he was just guessing too. My guess was as good as his, because he was an imperfect father.当涉及到建议时候,有时候他仅仅只能给出一个猜测,因为他是一个不完美的父亲。