


美式发音: [ˈtæksˌpeɪr] 英式发音: [ˈtæksˌpeɪə(r)]






1.纳税人a person who pays tax to the government, especially on the money that they earn


n.1.someone who pays tax, especially tax on income

1.纳税人 tax exemption 免税 taxpayer 纳税人 tax collector 收税员 ...

2.纳税义务人 n.纳税人 taxpayer n.纳税人 ,纳税义务人 taxpayer 纳税人公民 taxpayer ...

3.纳税者 ... ■ taxonomy 分类体系 分类体系 ■ taxpayer 纳税者 纳税者 ■ Taylor's chart 泰勒图表 安定図表 ...

4.纳税主体 百强纳税户|Top 100 tax households 纳税大户|Taxpayer 重合同 守信用 荣誉证书|The contract Shou Credit Certificate ...

6.一般纳税人 转让中心 Transfer 一般纳税人 Taxpayer 注册流程 Process ...


1.It is arranged in such a way that the poor people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows greater as the taxpayer 's income grows.它是这样一种方式安排:穷人不支付任何费用,税收和增长比例为纳税人更大的收入增长。

2.Despite these difficulties, Dimon said the bank has the money to repay taxpayer funds it received from the U. S. government in October.尽管面临诸多困难,迪蒙称该行有能力偿还去年10月从政府处获得的纳税人资金。

3.Come after the owner, rather than defense, and a note of alarm the popce, claiming that the taxpayer's identity to his complaints.车主过来后,与其申辩,并记下了警员的警号,声称要以纳税人的身份投诉他。

4.The only thing is it will cost the Thai taxpayer quite a bit of money and Thai rice will be more expensive on the domestic market.肯定会出现的是,泰国纳税人要缴纳相当多的税,泰国国内的大米价格会更贵。

5.But when you took taxpayer money you moved into a fishbowl. Now everyone is rightly watching your every move from every side, " he said. "但是一旦你们接受了纳税人的钱,你们就进入了一个透明鱼缸,每个人都可以从任何一个角度观察你们的每一个举动。

6.In contrast, Royal Bank of Scotland =, rescued by the British taxpayer, was able to suspend interest payments on only some of its hybrids.但相反的是,被英国纳税人拯救的苏格兰皇家银行只因某些混合债券而暂停了利息支出。

7.It was the taxpayer who decontaminated the land, paid for the transport infrastructure, and underwrote the new developments.正是纳税人净化了这片土地,为公交设施买单,为新的发展出资。

8.They all want to see how much they can squeeze from you and the American taxpayer.他们都想看看到底能从你和美国纳税人这里榨取出多少东西。

9.Both firms insisted that if they did not get the money, bankruptcy would end up costing the taxpayer a great deal more.两个公司都坚持如果他们没有获得贷款,最终破产将要花费纳税人更多的钱。

10.The taxpayer has no exposure to CIT through the TLGP debt, possibly a reason why the lender has been left to struggle so long.美国纳税人没有通过临时流动性担保计划在CIT拥有风险敞口,这可能是CIT苦苦挣扎这么长时间的原因之一。