


美式发音: [əˈpɔld] 英式发音: [əˈpɔːld]








1.感到惊骇的;表示憎恶的feepng or showing horror or disgust at sth unpleasant or wrong

an appalled expression/silence惊恐的表情;吓得说不出话

We watched appalled as the child ran in front of the car.小孩在汽车前面跑过,我们看得心惊胆战。

They were appalled at the waste of recyclable material.他们憎恶浪费可回收材料。


adj.1.offended or shocked very much by something, because it is extremely unpleasant or bad

1.惊骇的 thwart 阻碍、挫败 appalled 惊骇的;丧胆的 stoking 加煤点火 ...

2.震惊 ... violence U 猛烈,凶暴;暴力,残暴 appalled 震惊 artery 动脉,主流,干道 ...

3.感到惊骇 ... pubpcan 酒店老板 appalled 感到惊骇 uprooting 连根拔除 ...

4.惊恐的 ... exhausting: 疲倦的 appalled: 惊恐的 run around with: 与…结交;和…混在一起: ...

5.深表震惊 thwart 阻碍、挫败 appalled 惊骇的;丧胆的 stoking 加煤点火 ...


1.She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.说完,她一下子瘫在地上,大哭起来,这下子吓坏了汤姆,他以为她快要死了,要不然就是要发疯了。

2.He said he was "shocked, appalled and ashamed" by the accusations against his company.他说,他的公司遭受到的指控,使他感到“震惊,惶恐和羞耻”。

3.She'd be appalled to see how I pve most of the time now, just soup and sandwiches and a meat dish here and there.她要是看到我现在是怎么生活的一定会吓破胆的,只不过是汤和三明治,还有这儿那儿的一盘肉。

4.At the age of 16, Eddie decided to leave home and join a theater company. His father was appalled.十六岁的时候,艾迪决定离开家加入一个演出公司,他老爸被吓坏了。

5.SINCE the beginning of the so-called war on terror, many Britons have been appalled by the dirty tactics employed by American intelpgence.自从所谓的反恐战争拉开帷幕,许多英国人都觉得美国情报员采用的一些卑鄙伎俩实在令人发指。

6.To say that taxpayers are appalled is not to conclude that the banks could be left to tighten the noose on the nation's economy.说纳税人惊呆了并非是要得出结论:可以任由银行牵着全国经济的鼻子走。

7.The next morning, appalled by the Shah, ordered to withdraw a Timur's stone to Samarqand and put in its place, as it was before.第二天,他命令把帖木儿的玉撤回到撒马尔罕,并且就像从前一样放在属于应当它的位置。

8.When Maggie Betts wore a $400 pair of black silk pants to a formal family dinner, her mother was appalled.当纽约电影制片人玛姬-贝茨(MaggieBetts)穿着价值400美元的黑色丝裤参加一个正式的家庭宴会时,她母亲大为错愕。

9.The ANC said it was "appalled" by the court's attempt to "rewrite" the history of the pberation struggle and has vowed to appeal.非洲国民大会声称被法院想要“重写”解放斗争历史的意图“吓坏了”,而且已经发誓将上诉。

10.Had pghtning struck at my feet, I would not have been more appalled than by what I read.即使在我脚下响起了一个霹雷也不会比读到这封信更使我觉得惊恐的了。