




1.好食汇 ... 食得好 Shake Tak Ho Restaurant 真材实料 The Best Food 西贡越南餐厅 Cafe Saigon Vietnamese Restaurant ...

3.佰赐福 MYOutlet 畅货中心 The Best Food 佰赐福 GUY-SHOP 日本进口精品 ...


1.Order the best food and if the diner is crowded and a beautiful young woman sits across the table from you, do not look into her eyes.给自己来份最好的,如果餐车里很拥挤,而且有年轻漂亮的女人正坐在你餐桌对面,不要看她的眼睛。

2.From the moment you step in the front door, you are transported to a land that prides itself on making the best food and wine.从你踏进餐厅的一瞬间,便会为自己将会享用的最佳美酒美食感到自豪。

3.She decided to seek recognition instead through a persistent devotion to the best food .她下决心通过对高品质食物的不懈追求来树立品牌。

4.To the best of my knowledge, the view that the fish is the best food to the brain is not ridiculous.就我知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑食物这种看法不是荒谬的。

5.there the best bands played and the best food was cooked; a crowd of people sat down to table, and all was fun and merry-making.那里有最好的乐队和最好的食物,一大群人聚集在桌子旁边,所有人都兴高采烈,乐不可支。

6.The best food temperature to assure the best taste, we recommend that you pick up the day after eating.最佳食温为了保证最佳的食用口感,我们建议您提货后当日食用完毕。

7.for pregnant women, the elderly and the strong growth and development of young children, the cheese is one of the best food calcium.对于孕妇、中老年人及成长发育旺盛的青少年儿童来说,奶酪是最好的补钙食品之一。

8.Let the best food on the chopsticks in his next plate in the transition to look at only into the mouth.最好让筷子上的食物在自己的接碟中过渡一下,才送入口中。

9.food cooking, it is important to put the best food in containers, not directly on the glass furnace bake cooking on the turntable.食品烹饪时,必须放在盛装食品的容器中,而不能直接放在炉内的玻璃转盘上烘烹。

10.When I flew out of Hong Kong, I reflected on what an extraordinary few days it had been, with some of the best food I'd had in a long time.飞离香港时,我回味着这几天度过的美好时光,期间品尝到了一些很长时间以来最好的美味佳肴。