




1.美洲开发银行 ... 泛美开发银行( Inter American Development Bank) 中断资料块( interrupt data block) ...


1.I said as much last spring during the Inter-American Development Bank meetings in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.去年春季在巴西贝洛奥里藏特召开的美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank)会议期间,我也讲过同样的话。

2.One of those whom officials mentioned as a possibipty was Enrique V. Iglesias, a former president of the Inter-American Development Bank.其中一个被提到的可能性官员是美洲开发银行的前总裁恩里克伊格莱西亚斯。

3.Rafael Anta of the Inter-American Development Bank was even more cautious: "We know pttle about impact and nothing about business models. "泛美开发银行的RafaelAnta甚至更为谨慎:“我们对其影响知之甚少,又对商业模式一无所知。”

4.The Inter-American Development Bank recommends at least 4%.泛美开发银行的建议是交通投资至少占国内生产总值的4%。

5.China also last month joined the Inter-American Development Bank as a donor member, with $350m investment in financial development projects.10月,中国还以捐赠国身份加入美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank),并在金融开发项目上投资了3.5亿美元。

6.An initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank and Asian Development Bank Partnership Agreement WORKING PAPER No.本报告为美洲发展银行与亚洲开发银行首次合作项目的工作报告,编号。

7.Other finance partners include the Inter-American Development Bank and Spanish Agency for International Cooperation.除世行外,其他资金提供方包括美洲发展银行及西班牙国际合作署。

8.Famous for its extreme danger, it was christened as the "world's most dangerous road" in 1995 by the Inter-American Development Bank.在1995年被美洲发展银行称为“界上最危险的道路”。

9.France took the lead on the French version, whilst the Inter-American Development Bank produced the Spanish translation.该术语表的法语版是由法国主持翻译的,而西班牙语版则是由美洲开发银行翻译的。

10.The secretary will also travel to New York April 14 to address the Haiti Donors Conference at the Inter-American Development Bank.国务卿还将于4月14日前往纽约参加美洲开发银行召开的援助海地捐助方大会。