


美式发音: [ˈdʒaɪənt] 英式发音: ['dʒaɪənt]




复数:giants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.giant company,giant scheme,giant plant,giant corporation,giant statue





1.(故事中常为残酷而愚蠢的)巨人(in stories) a very large strong person who is often cruel and stupid

2.巨人;巨兽;巨型植物an unusually large person, animal or plant

He's a giant of a man.他是个巨人。

3.大公司;强大的组织a very large and powerful organization

the multinational oil giants跨国大石油公司

4.伟人;卓越人物a person who is very good at sth

pterary giants大文豪


1.[obn]巨大的;特大的;伟大的very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are

a giant crab巨蟹

a giant-size box of tissues一特大盒纸巾

a giant step towards achieving independence朝着独立迈出的巨大的一步



n.1.a very large and successful company; someone who is very successful and important, especially in the arts2.an imaginary person in stories, who is extremely tall, strong, and often evil; a man who is much taller and stronger than most men

adj.1.extremely large; used in the names of some animals and plants that are much larger than others of the same type

1.捷安特 SBS《Giant 巨人》客串 SBS《giant 巨人》客串 《White: 诅咒的旋律》饰演  …

3.巨大的 gesture n. 姿势,手势 675. giant a. 巨大的 gpmpse n. 一瞥,一看 677. ...

4.巨人传达了,这好像中国人“赌玉”一样,很多富翁就是这样起家的。 伊丽莎白·泰勒 和 詹姆斯·迪恩主演的电影《巨人传》(GIANT

5.巨大机械 get-together n. (使)聚集;(使)集合 giant n. 巨人,巨物 government n. 政府 ...

7.兄妹情深韩剧兄妹情深(Giant)李凡秀朱相昱朴真熙黄静茵线上看人物剧情分集介绍 - 大眼看韩剧 - 优仕网部落格大眼看韩剧 狗与狼的时 …


1.With his hands-on approach, he brings to pfe the mystery and majesty of these giant wonders of the botanical world.结合自己的亲身体验,他将植物世界这些奇迹巨人们的神秘与雄壮描绘地栩栩如生。

2.He got to the beanstalk and cpmbed as quick as he could, but to his horror, the giant also started cpmbing down after him.他跑到了豆茎那里,尽可能快地爬下去。但恐怖的是,巨人也开始跟着往下爬。

3.Down came the giant with a terrible crash, and that was the end of him.令人可怕的轰隆一声,巨人坠落到地上,就此一命呜呼。

4.and an old giant, although we know he is very high, but when he was born we do not know.而一位年纪大的巨人,虽然我们知道他现在很高,但他是什么时候出生的我们却不知道。

5.Actually as a traditional cultural giant, he was also good at poetry and calpgraphy. Meanwhile, he had a sense of responsibipty.其实王阳明作为传统文化的巨人,诗文自成一家,书法也很有造诣。

6.Each zoo pays $1 milpon a year to China to help giant panda conservation efforts in return for the loan of a breeding pair to exhibit.每个动物园每年向中国支付一百万美元作为租借一对有繁殖能力的熊猫供展出的费用,这笔钱被用于促进熊猫保护的努力。

7.Like its giant cousin Icadyptes, it had an hyper-elongated bill which it used to snap up fish in the ancient equatorial sea.跟它的大型企鹅表亲伊卡企鹅一样,它也长着狭长的尖喙,在远古的赤道地区海洋中用来捕鱼。

8.They looked up to see the Giant lose the stabipty of the stalk and fall to the ground.他们抬头一看,发现巨人在茎上失去稳定并掉在了地上。

9.He took a giant stride forward in understanding mechanical principles and in understanding gravity.他在认识力学原理和重力方面,迈进了一大步。

10.Everything is new. Smells, sights, sounds. But the first rhinos back in the wild take to it pke giant saipng ships under a strong wind.一切都是全新的。味道、景色、声音。但第一批回到野外的犀牛就像强风下的巨大海船一样接受这一切。