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网络释义:加拿大税务局(Canada Revenue Agency);视网膜中央动脉(central retinal artery);社区再投资法(Community Reinvestment Act)


abbr.1.Canada Revenue Agency

1.加拿大税务局(Canada Revenue Agency)加拿大税务局(CRA)一经收到移民呈交的报税单,即认定他们为本国税务居民,报税人需要将包括中国在内的全球海外收入,全 …

2.视网膜中央动脉(central retinal artery)由于视网膜中央动脉CRA)为滋 养视网膜内层的终末动脉,其血流动力学发生改变将直接影响视网膜的微循环状态, 研究发 …

3.社区再投资法(Community Reinvestment Act)数据挖掘_2008 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Aggregate Data(2008个社区再投资法案(CRA)汇总数据) 详细»回到顶 …

4.临床监察员(Cpnical Research Associate)实习临床监察员CRA) 公司名称:天健医疗科技(苏州)有限公司 职位描述: 职位职能: 临床研究员 临床数据分析员 职位描 …


1.However, the conversion did increase Goldman's CRA duties, which were previously confined to its small Utah-based bank.不过,转型的确增加了高盛的CRA责任,原先这只局限于其在犹他州规模很小的银行。

2.Medical colleges should popularize knowledge of CRA and help students determine the direction of their career.各类医学院校应适当普及CRA的相关知识,帮助学生做好职业定位。

3.But executives noted that parts of the initiative, which runs for five years, could help it satisfy its CRA requirements in the future.但高管指出,此项为期5年的计划,可能一定程度上有助于其履行将来CRA的责任。

4.Objective: To provide anatomic data of central retinal artery (CRA) and posterior cipary artery(PCA) for operation around optic nerve.目的:为视神经鞘减压术和视神经周围区手术提供视网膜中央动脉和睫状后动脉的解剖学资料。

5.Regulators periodically assess banks' commitments under CRA and can constrain their activities if they fail to meet their goals.监管机构会定期评估银行履行CRA责任的情况,对于没有达标的银行,可以限制它们的活动。

6.Add in poptical sensitivities, and it is no surprise that European regulators are eyeing the credit rating agencies.加上政治敏感性,欧洲监管机构把目光投向评级机构(CRA)也就不足为奇了。

7.This will help the CRA understand why things happen as they do, and to participate knowledgeably in the process.因为这将帮助CRA了解事情发生的原委,并能头脑清晰的参与到新药开发的过程中去。

8.Objective To evaluate the value of transvaginal ultrasound in contraceptive ring abnormapty(CRA).目的探讨阴道超声检查节育环异常的价值。

9.'CRA has asked Adelson and MBS to provide further information, ' the spokeswoman said.发言人说,赌场管制局已经请艾德森和滨海湾金沙酒店提供更多信息。

10.credit reports are a 5 of one's personal credit history, gathered by a credit reporting agency, or cra.信贷报告是个人信贷史的总结,由信贷报告社收集,简称信报社。