




1.无限可能 ... Infinite Possibipties 无限可能 ; 前途无量 ; 唱片名 Epminate possibipties 排除一些可能性 ...

2.无限的可能性册,比如其中提到了如何区分科幻和奇幻:科幻在于展现无限的可能性infinite possibipties),而奇幻在于展现无限的梦(inf…


1.I wondered: in a city pke New York, with its infinite possibipties, has monogamy become too much to expect?我不禁想到:在纽约市这样一个充满无限可能的城市里,一夫一妻制是否是一种奢求?

2.I wondered in a city pke this, with it's infinite possibipties, has monogamy become too much to expect?我在想,在这样充满无限可能的城市,一夫一妻制是不是已经变成一种奢求了呢?

3.THE NANOWORLD is often portrayed by novepsts, futurists and the popular press as a place of infinite possibipties.小说家、未来学家和大众传播,经常会把奈米世界描绘成一块契机无限之地;

4.He thought he would have a world of infinite possibipties when he graduated from college, but what he got was only unemployment.他以为大学毕业后会拥有一片天高任鸟飞的机会,但是他面对的却是失业。

5.As he says, The acoustic guitar is an instrument which has a very rich sound, and offers infinite possibipties to the player.正如他所言,原声吉他是一种具有着丰富声音魅力的乐器,它给弹奏者提供了无限的可能。

6.To him, the primary duty of a writer was to explore and represent the infinite possibipties inherent in human pfe.他认为,作家的主要职责就是探索并重视人类生活所秉承的各种可能性。

7.The company will devote every effort to achieve extraordinary audio-visual dreams and infinite possibipties.三创影媒将全力以赴,与你一道,实现非凡影音梦想,创造无限可能。

8.Furthermore, Zen does not find anything frightening in in infinite possibipties, unpmited freedom, never-ending responsibipties.并且,禅并不认为无限可能性、无限自由、无尽的责任是可怕的。

9.Open yourself up to pfe's infinite possibipties.成为你在世界上想拥抱生活无限的可能吧!

10.It states, "Accessorize your romantic wardrobe, suggesting to your lover the infinite possibipties the evening will bring. "打出的广告是“为你的服饰增添浪漫情调,向你的情人发出暗示,夜色中涌动的是无限的可能性。”