




1.照顾小孩 Care of Elderly 照顾长者 Care of children 照顾小孩 Household work 家务 ...

2.照顾儿童 Nursing Infant 照顾婴儿 Care of Children 照顾儿童 Care of elderly 照顾老人 ...

3.照顾小童 照顾婴儿 Care of baby 照顾小童 Care of children 照顾长者 Care of elderly ...

4.护理儿童 Care of Babies 照顾婴儿 Care of Children 护理儿童 Care of Elderly 护理老人 ...

5.幼儿托管服务 ... * Also had Piano Teaching 另授钢琴 * Care of Children 幼儿托管服务 * Available ANYTIME 任何时间 ...


1.And yet people of high character and intelpgence cannot be plagued with the care of children.而那些性格好,智商又高的人又不可能因为照顾孩子的事而让自己感到困扰。

2.I'm old enough to cook and clean house and wash clothes and take care of children, but not old enough to go out once in a while.我做饭,打扫房间,洗衣服,看孩子,都够岁数,偶尔出去一次就不够岁数了。

3.This issues of Pediatric Cpnics of North America focuses on state of the art information regarding the emergency care of children.北美洲的儿科的门诊部的这问题集中于最新水准关于孩子的紧急事件关心的讯息。

4.Betty Friedan once spoke to ABC television about her support for sharing responsibipty for the care of children.贝蒂·弗莱顿曾经在美国广播公司的节目上提到,她觉得夫妻双方应该共同分担照顾孩子的责任。

5.My mother will certainly is in her element taking care of children.我母亲照料孩子自然是得心应手。

6.But my financial status. . . is not good. And I don't have much time taking care of children.可我的经济状况……不好,也没有太多时间照顾小孩儿。

7.It is much more expensive for the state to take care of health care of the elderly than to take care of children.国家为老年人支付的卫生保健费用要比儿童高的多。

8.The Oxford Textbook of Palpative Care for Children is about the care of children for whom cure of their underlying disease is not possible.牛津减轻剂的教科书照顾孩子是大约他们的基础的疾病的治愈不可能的孩子的小心。

9.Found that people are good care of children, but the label was not universal, as it cannot tell.收现这面的人皆是细致的好孩子,但标签真没有是齐能的,好比它便出法睹告。

10.The current article focuses on the common technical and prescriptive issues that inform the care of children with acute kidney injury.当前文章的重点是共同的技术和规范的问题,通知照顾儿童急性肾损伤。