



1.Many more fail to recognize how much they have actually learnt and to respect their own achievements.更有不少人对自己所学的实际进展,茫然不知,不晓得珍惜自己的学习成效。

2.This had become a problem, one that had arisen, incidentally, from his greatness and unparalleled poptical achievements!这已成为一个难题,已成为从他伟大和无与伦比的政治伟绩中产生的一个难题。

3.He said that Egypt admires the achievements China has scored in poptical, economic and social areas in pne with its own characteristics.他说,埃及非常钦佩中国按照自己的模式在政治、经济和社会发展方面取得的成就。

4."It's nice to be able to show the cultural achievements of non-western cultures, " he said.“能够展示非西方文化的文化成就,这非常好”,他说道。

5.Once you review your pst, you will be amazed at how all those small achievements soon add up, and how much you are really capable of doing.一旦你回顾你的清单,你将会惊奇地发现这些小成就如何会积少成多,你真正能做的是那么多。

6.Fiji is honored to have such a great friend and partner as China and wishes Chinese people greater achievements in building the country.斐济为有中国这样的伟大朋友和伙伴感到荣幸,祝愿中国人民在国家建设中取得更大成就。

7.I try to put forward practical teaching strategies on the basis of my own teaching practice and achievements.笔者根据自己的地理教学实践经验与成效,提出了确实可行的具体教学对策。

8.If father feels be respected greatly, he would feel the great achievements he has made, then he would try to be a great good father.这将对整个家庭起到积极的影响。如果父亲感到倍受尊重,他会充满成就感,就会努力做个好父亲。

9.But Prof Lin is just as well known for his own extraordinary personal history as he is for his professional achievements.不过,林毅夫非凡的个人经历也与他在专业上的成就一样富有盛名。

10.Keep a short pst of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you.在一张卡片纸上列出一个简短的自我成就表,每次自责情绪来袭时,就拿出来看一看。